Media in South East Europe: not enough or too much information?
OBC e i partner del progetto "Safety Net for European Journalists" intervengono all'ottava edizione del "SEEMF - South East Europe Media Forum" per discutere di libertà di stampa in Europa
SEEMF bringing together media CEOs, leading journalists, editors-in-chief, business professionals, CEOs from companies active in South East and Central Europe, representatives of marketing and public relations agencies., civil society representatives, academics and representatives of state institutions from South, East and Central Europe.
The topic of the VIII SEEMF is Media in South East Europe: Not enough or too much information? The discussions will include the right to access information, data journalism, privacy and the protection of journalists’ sources, self-regulation and standards of quality reporting. A session will also be dedicated to opinion making in times of conflict and will discuss the lessons of the media war on Ukraine.
S.E.E.M.O - South East Europe Media Organisation
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