A collection of papers presented at the conference "Bad memories. Sites, symbols and narrations of wars in the Balkans", organised by Osservatorio Balcani in Rovereto, Trento, on 9 November 2007. The conference was part of a project devoted to Second World War memorial sites in former Yugoslavia, co-sponsored by the European Union and the Autonomous Province of Trento.
Visit the webpage of the 2007 conference Bad memories. Sites, symbols and narrations of wars in the Balkans and the 2008 conference Dealing with the past and reconciliation processes in the Western Balkans
Title: Bad memories. Sites, symbols and narrations of the wars in the Balkans
Publisher: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
Pages: 91
Format: paperback, 14x21 cm
Language: English
Year of publication: 2008
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