Online webinars 2018

October 30th, 2018
Discorso d'odio antisemita
Webinar with the participation of John Mann, UK, MP, member of the International Coalition against anti-semitism

October 29th, 2018
Discorso d'odio razzista
Webinar with the participation of Elisabeth Schmidt-Hieber (Platform for international cooperation on undocumented migrants) and Sarah Chander (European Network Against Racism

September 5th, 2018
Discorso di odio sessista: cosa può fare il Parlamento europeo?
Webinar with the participation of German MEP Terry Reintke, FEMM Committee

Stakeholders dialogues 2018

June 15th, 2018, Trento
Fisco e globalizzazione: la soluzione è l'UE?
with the participation of MEP Herbert Dorfmann

June 8th, 2018, Rome
Libertà di stampa e pluralismo dei media in Europa
with the participation of MEP Curzio Maltese

March 16th, 2018, Padua
Il Parlamento europeo in città: mobilità sostenibile, orizzonti europei e buone pratiche locali
with the participation of MEP Damiano Zoffoli

Stakeholders dialogues 2017

September 29th, 2017
Cooperazione, sviluppo e diritti umani: il ruolo del Parlamento europeo
with the participation of MEP Elly Schlein

September 23rd, 2017
Diritti di parità e contrasto alle discriminazioni di genere
with the participation of MEP Eleonora Forenza

September 22nd, 2017, Bergamo
Protagonisti a tutela dell'ambiente
with the participation of MEP Eleonora Evi

May 6th, 2017, Prato
Movimenti LGBTI nel Mediterraneo: forti e in crescita
with the participation of MEP Daniele Viotti (videoconference)

April 27th, 2017, Rome
Informazione in Europa: quale libertà?
with the participation of MEPs Cecile Kyenge and Laura Ferrara (videoconference)

January 13th, 2017, Genoa
Migrazione in Europa: quali connessioni tra inclusione e sviluppo?
with the participation of MEP Brando Benifei

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