
Violent clashes erupt on the front line between Armenia and Azerbaijan

21/07/2020 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

18 months since both sides agreed to prepare populations for peace, Azerbaijan and Armenia may have sent that peace process a few years back amid renewed fighting on the front line as of Sunday, July 12

Struggle of identities in Northern Cyprus

21/07/2020 -  Xavier Palacios

The parliamentary elections in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), initially scheduled for late April, were postponed until further notice because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, the Turkish Cypriot community struggles to find a solution to the perennial ethnic and nationalist conflict in the island

25 years in search of Selma

09/07/2020 -  Nicole Corritore

Selma Musić disappeared in 1995 during the capture of Srebrenica. She was 7. In 2019, her parents discovered in a photo that she had arrived safely on the territory of the Federation. A glimpse of hope to continue their search

Two voices on Kosovo

08/07/2020 -  Paolo Bergamaschi

A real diplomatic race between the US and the EU has recently started on the Serbia-Kosovo negotiations. The opinion of Lulzim Peci of the Kosovar Institute for Political Research and Development and Sonja Biserko, founder and president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia

“Abchazja” and other untranslated bits of Wojciech Górecki's Caucasus trilogy

26/06/2020 -  Giorgio Comai

Górecki spent a lavish amount of time in the Caucasus, meeting people across the region and hearing their stories. His Caucasus trilogy makes for excellent reading. Yet, not all of it is accessible to the international readership it deserves

Europe and the colonial past: the memory that is missing

27/03/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Although it was a specifically European phenomenon, colonialism continues to be remembered almost only at national level. A resolution by the European Parliament could now help bring it into the European space of ​​memory

Of the invisible and the disappeared. Notes from the Turkish-Greek border

09/03/2020 -  Deniz Şenol SertIlhan Zeynep Karakılıç

Two Turkish sociologists and journalists went to see with their own eyes what is happening on the border between Turkey and Greece. An intense reportage

A Contested Attempt at Transitional Justice – the Kosovo Specialist Chambers

20/02/2020 -  Meris MušanovićArolda Elbasani

A "hybrid" institution – based in the Hague, but part of the judicial system of Kosovo, the new special court for the crimes of the UCK promises, among many criticisms, a new approach to transnational justice

Diplomacy and the war in Ukraine

11/02/2020 -  Filippo Rosin

Last December, Ukrainian President Zelensky and Russia's Putin met under the aegis of France and Germany. Since then, however – although much has been said about Ukraine because of Trump's impeachment and the shooting down of the Boeing in Iran – little has changed in the Donbas conflict.

Ukraine: Zelenski-Putin meeting

09/12/2019 -  Filippo Rosin

Today in Paris, within the framework of the "Normandy Group", Ukrainian President Zelensky and Russian President Putin will meet. A picture of the political situation in Ukraine and in the Donbas

Turkey: crackdown on the Kurdish political movement

30/09/2019 -  Burcu Karakaş Istanbul

The mayors elected in the ranks of pro-Kurdish HDP have been ousted by the Turkish government on charges of flanking terrorism, further reducing the space for a political solution to the Kurdish question

Diary of a September day in Rijeka

19/09/2019 -  Marko Medved*

A walk in the centre of Rijeka on the centenary of D'Annunzio's enterprise: politics, the work of historians, memory, and democracy

Zecovi, the quest for justice

12/09/2019 -  Nicole Corritore

On July 25th, 1992, 150 civilians were killed in the Bosniak village of Zecovi, a few kilometres from Prijedor. Among them 29 relatives of Fikret Bačić, who returned to Bosnia at the end of the war to search for their bodies and bring those responsible to trial. On the day of the commemoration of the massacre, we collected his testimony

Crimea: the resistance of the Tatars

20/08/2019 -  Martina Napolitano

Following the Russian occupation of Crimea, the Tatar community is under great pressure. An analysis of the situation through historical digressions and a meeting with the Tatar representatives recently elected in the Ukrainian parliament

Srebrenica: dehumanising the Other

10/07/2019 -  Dunja Mijatović

Srebrenica genocide did not happen by accident and began well before its full horror became visible. It took shape with public discourse that dehumanised the Other

Bosnia and Herzegovina, the "broken pipes" of history

04/07/2019 -  Alfredo Sasso

In several cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from May 28th to June 2nd, an important history festival was held which brought together about 100 historians from the region. This year, however, the History Fest has become a case of ethno-political tension

Serbia: the opposition seen as an enemy

01/07/2019 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Opposition protests against Vučić's government continue in Serbia. But the manipulations, mainstream media's propaganda, and the government's hate speech are likely to lead to violence

Yemen, an European war

20/06/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić Zagreb

By providing weapons to parties in conflict in Yemen, Europeans have a responsibility in the war that has claimed more than 10,000 lives in four years. Being one of the main European exporters of arms, Croatia shares this reponsibility

Ukraine: the new language law, Porošenko's last act

05/06/2019 -  Martina Napolitano

Before leaving the presidential chair to the newly elected Volodymyr Zelensky, Petro Porošenko signed a new language law – one that puts minority rights under strong pressure

Kosovo – Serbia, a stranded dialogue

29/04/2019 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

After starting with great expectations, the EU-mediated dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia is now stalled after the introduction by Prishtina of custom tariffs on Serbian products and sterile proposals to exchange territories

The truth about Jasenovac

23/04/2019 -  Giovanni Vale

Between historical revisionism and divided memories, the Jasenovac concentration camp (Croatia) keeps fostering division and debate in the communities of the region. Ivo Goldstein, a well-known Croatian historian, explains the reason for a long-standing dispute

Turkey: hunger strikes for Öcalan reach a critical stage

18/04/2019 -  Burcu Karakaş Istanbul

Hundreds of Kurdish detainees in Turkish prisons are carrying out a hunger strike to demand an end to the isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. Despite the serious conditions of many detainees, and as many as seven suicides, their protest today seems to be at a dead end

Ingushetia fears outbreaks of violence

17/04/2019 -  Marat Iliyasov

The small republic of Ingushetia lives in a tinderbox. There are serious concerns in the region that tensions related to contested border issues and potential unification with neighbouring Chechnya may escalate and lead to violence

Comedian Zelensky and the elections in Ukraine

11/04/2019 -  Oleksiy Bondarenko

After a long electoral campaign, the first round of presidential elections in Ukraine took place on the 31st of March. None of the candidates managed to score more than 50% of the votes. Volodymyr Zelensky is in the lead. An analysis of the vote

Ukraine: the elections and the failed future

29/03/2019 -  Oleksiy Bondarenko

Both presidential and political elections are scheduled to take place in Ukraine in 2019. Next March 31st it is time for the first round of presidential elections, in a climate that unfortunately seems to anchor the country to its turbulent past

Karadžić, life imprisonment for the "good neighbour"

22/03/2019 -  Alfredo Sasso

On Wednesday, the MICT (Residual Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals) condemned on appeal the former leader of Bosnian Serbs during the war of the 1990s to life imprisonment. While Karadžić will serve the sentence in a state for now unknown, his ideas unfortunately continue to circulate

The internal dialogue in Serbia: rejecting the normalisation of relations with Kosovo

20/03/2019 -  Katarina TadićAgon Demjaha

In 2017 Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić launched the "Internal Dialogue on Kosovo". Purpose? In words, to consult in an inclusive way the Serbian society on potential solutions related to Kosovo. That didn't really happen

Chechnya: taxis, Islam and independence

13/03/2019 -  Marat Iliyasov

Soon the Chechen women will be able to take taxis driven by women and only for women. An initiative sponsored by an Arab investment fund that caused very different reactions

Nationalism and revisionism in Croatia: teenagers tools and victims

28/02/2019 -  Ivana Polić

In Croatia in recent months there have been numerous cases of violence against minorities, racism, incitement to hatred. And minors where involved

Srebrenica, revisionist siege

01/03/2019 -  Alfredo Sasso

Republika Srpska has appointed two new international commissions tasked with establishing the crimes committed in Srebrenica and those committed against the Serbian population in Sarajevo. A group of academics and various analysts highlight its revisionist intentions