
Russians or not, the vulnerabilities are there: let’s fix them

15/02/2019 -  Giorgio Comai

Disinformation campaigns, dubious practices on social media, murkey financing of political campaigns and lobby groups, timed hacked and leaks: new structural vulnerabilities to our democracies are there for anyone to exploit. It’s time to focus our public conversation on new policies and practices that can mitigate these risks

The Eu and de facto states: adjust expectations, support small steps

13/02/2019 -  Giorgio Comai

Meaningful engagement with de facto states and consistent, patient support for constructive approaches as they emerge from the region are the way to go for the EU and other international actors in the coming months

(North) Macedonia and the Prespa agreement, success or defeat?

06/02/2019 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

Contrasting reactions in (North) Macedonia to the ratification of the Prespa agreement by Greece. The government celebrates a unique opportunity and investment in the future, the opposition laments an unbalanced agreement and loss of identity

(North) Macedonia, the new name comes with hopes and high costs

17/01/2019 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

Last week, the Skopje parliament gave the green light to changing the country's constitutional name, to become North Macedonia after the expected ratification by Greece. An overview by our correspondent

Arzu Abdullayeva: Peace agent between Azerbaijan and Armenia

02/01/2019 -  Gular MehdizadeSabina AbubekirovaAnonymous

Arzu Abdullayeva has faced threats, insults and even violent demonstrations because of his peace activism between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But she never gave up

Kosovo starts trade war against Serbia

29/11/2018 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

The Kosovo government decided to impose 100% customs duties against Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina. A decision strongly criticized by Brussels, and which risks further damaging the fragile dialogue with Belgrade

Chechnya-Ingushetia: a border change fuels new tensions

31/10/2018 -  Marat Iliyasov

An unusual wave of protest has rocked Ingushetia. Changes in the administrative borders between Chechnya and Ingushetia sparked the mobilisation. Lack of dialogue and Ingush fears of having their republic merged with Chechnya kept them going

(North) Macedonia, the price of a name

23/10/2018 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

With the support of some opposition MPs, the Skopje government has started the process of changing the country's constitution and name. The controversial process is unlikely to end before January 2019

"Border correction", a dangerous game

12/10/2018 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

In recent months there has been an increasing talk of a swap of territories between Serbia and Kosovo: a solution that raises concerns and question marks. The debate among the Kosovo Albanians

"Let's go all the way". In David Square, Banja Luka

05/10/2018 -  Alfredo Sasso Banja Luka

Parents, grandparents, children – hundreds of people have been guarding Banja Luka's main square for over six months, demanding justice for David. Regardless of who wins Sunday's elections, they are determined to go all the way

Bjelave children: the story of Amer and Alen

16/10/2018 -  Nicole Corritore

Kenan and Haris Hasanagić searched for years for traces of Amer and Alen Ljuša, their two cousins who left Sarajevo in 1992, together with other children from the Bjelave orphanage, to be sheltered in Italy. Instead of being returned to Bosnia at the end of the war, they were given up for adoption. They finally met last summer, with the help of OBCT. An interview with Kenan Hasanagić

Macedonians to vote on new name

28/09/2018 -  Ilija Minovski Skopje

Macedonian citizens will vote on Sunday on the Prespa agreement, which foresees "Republic of North Macedonia" as a new constitutional name for their country, in an attempt to overcome the long "name dispute" with Greece

Bjelave's children: looking for Sedina

25/09/2018 -  Nicole Corritore

Our investigation continues on the dramatic case of the 46 children from the Bjelave orphanage in Sarajevo. The second part of the interview with human rights activist Jagoda Savić, who has been dealing with the case since 2000

The Bjelave children: the case is still open

21/09/2018 -  Nicole Corritore

During the siege, 46 children from the Sarajevo orphanage were sheltered in Italy. Although not all of them were orphans, they were not repatriated, but given up for adoption. Some of the biological parents have been looking for them for years. An interview with human rights activist Jagoda Savić, who has been dealing with the case since 2000

Bjelave children: the search continues

20/09/2018 -  Nicole Corritore

On July 18th, 1992, a convoy of children, picked up from the Bjelave orphanage, left Sarajevo under siege. 46 never returned to Bosnia: they were given up for adoption, despite living biological parents. A tragic story, re-emerged from the dark

Croatia Must Not Whitewash the Horrors of Jasenovac

03/09/2018 -  Menachem Rosensaft

An article published by Croatia’s best-read newspaper downplaying the atrocities at the Jasenovac concentration camp was an attempt to rehabilitate Croatia’s WWII fascist Ustasa regime and deny its complicity in the Holocaust

Kosovo: doubts about the private higher educational system

21/08/2018 -  Nicasia Picciano

How did the private higher educational system develop in Kosovo? A brief analysis. We received it and we gladly published it

Ten years after the war in South Ossetia, time to embrace nuance

06/08/2018 -  Giorgio Comai

Ten years after the war between Georgia and Russia in South Ossetia, in a context where grand bargains and comprehensive agreements are difficult to imagine, it is time to embrace a nuanced approach to conflicts in the post-Soviet space. Pragmatic and humane solutions that acknowledge local agency are the way forward

“We must not forget Srebrenica“

11/07/2018 -  Dunja Mijatović *

To give to survivors and victims’ families of Srebrenica justice, recognition and respect we should start from education, in Bosnia Herzegovina and in the whole region. Education systems in the region must educate about the past, educate to debunk myths, educate about justice and equality for all

North Macedonia: agreement sparks controversy in Greece

29/06/2018 -  Elvira Krithari Athens

What the agreement really offered, apart from turning the page for two Balkan countries, is a chance to observe political tendencies in Greece, by highlighting parties’ true colors and capacities

Croatia and its neighbours after the entry into the EU

29/06/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

Over the past five years, since Croatia joined the EU and the centre-right rose to power, relations with neighbouring countries have undergone a progressive deterioration

Name issue agreement, the day after in (North) Macedonia

25/06/2018 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

After almost 25 years of negotiation, Athens and Skopje agreed to end the long-lasting name dispute. The road to finalizing the agreement, though, is still long and in (North) Macedonia the society and political parties remain bitterly divided on the issue

Armenia’s Space for Liberty

24/04/2018 -  Inna Mkhitaryan

The protests of these days in Armenia against the appointment of Serzh Sargsyan as prime minister - resulted in his resignation - have as their ideal and symbolic place the Freedom Square of Yerevan. The history and the present of this square

Turkey: released Ahmet Şık and Murat Sabuncu

12/03/2018 -  Fazıla Mat

Two more Cumhuriyet journalists have been released, while Akın Atalay, managing director of the major Turkish daily, remains in prison

Faruk Begolli, a life between Belgrade and Prishtina

08/02/2018 -  Jeton Neziraj

He is one of the most famous actors of former Yugoslavia. Faruk Begolli loved both Pristina, where he was born, and Belgrade, where he spent most of his life

What can Germans and French learn from Serbs and Albanians?

24/01/2018 -  Aleksandar Pavlović

An interesting project with the aim to maintain and strengthen a cooperative network of Albanian and Serbian researchers and civil society activists, and empower them to combat present hostility on a long-term basis

Albania: Operation Alba and the memories of Romano Prodi

19/12/2017 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

The Albanian civil war of 1997 was ended by an Italian-led international contingent. Twenty years after Operation Alba, the Prime Minister who promoted it has returned to the Land of the Eagles. An interview

Europe must not allow another Srebrenica

23/11/2017 -  Wolfgang Petritsch

Wolfgang Petritsch has been High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1999 to 2002. A comment on the verdict against Ratko Mladić

‘I will not go back’ — The Syrians making a new life in Armenia

13/11/2017 -  Armine Avetisyan

Over 17,000 Syrian-Armenians have fled to Armenia over the past five years. While many expected this to be a temporary move, they are now setting down firm roots in the country

The struggle of Kurdish women in Turkey, between journalism and jineology

16/11/2017 -  Francesco Brusa

"We have always valued hope over victory. Now, however, we are winning some of our battles". An interview with Ceren Karlıdaĝ, journalist, feminist, among the protagonists of the magazine Sujin Gazete.