International conference Media-Democracy nexus in the European space / Galleries / Media - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

International conference Media-Democracy nexus in the European space

ita eng

On 17 October 2023, OBC Transeuropa, as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response, organised an international conference to discuss the delicate intersection between democracy, rule of law and press freedom

As cases of press a freedom violations are on the rise in EU member states as well as in candidate countries, the conference aimed at examining the ways in which a sound rule of law system can contribute to the advancement of media freedom in the European space, by bringing together journalists, scholars, legal experts, activists and representatives of civil society. 

The event took place at the headquarters of the Association of Foreign Press in Italy in Rome and was organised in collaboration with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Paris, France - Italy and with the support of Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italia - FNSI and Consiglio Nazionale Ordine dei Giornalisti - Cnog. 

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