European Media Freedom Conference 2015 / Appuntamenti / Home - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

European Media Freedom Conference 2015

OBC partecipa alla conferenza internazionale in cui giornalisti, politici e accademici si confrontano su libertà di stampa, protezione delle fonti e European Media Law. Evento promosso nell'ambito del progetto "European Centre for Press and Media Freedom"

On 8th and 9th October, Europe‘s top journalists, academics, media companies and politicians meet in Leipzig, Germany, at the European Media Freedom Conference 2015. The event is the first of its kind for the newly-established European Centre for Press and Media Freedom .

In more than a dozen panels and workshops, the participants from several European countries will debate topics such as surveillance, source protection, whistleblowing and European media law.

They include:
• Melody Patry, Senior Advocacy Officer, Index on Censorship, London
• Ljiljana Smajlović, President Serbian Journalists'Association (UNS), Editor in Chief Politika, Belgrade
• Ides Debruyne, Managing Director, Brussels
• Esad Hećimović, investigative journalist, Sarajevo
• Hans-Ulrich Jörges, Editor in Chief for Special Affairs Gruner+Jahr, Berlin
• Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Brussels
• Henrik Kaufholz, Scoop and Politiken, Chairman ECPMF, Copenhagen
• Alberto Spampinato, founder Ossigeno per l'informazione, Rome
• Dirk Voorhoof, Professor for International Media Law, Ghent

On the evening of 8th October, the Freedom and Future of the Media Prize will be awarded to the Turkish journalist and author Nedim Sener and to the Iranian film director Jafar Pahani.

Translations (German/English) will be provided.




If you are not able to attend the conference you could follow the event via live stream in many panels.

You can connect at the 8th and 9th via: or follow the link at the twitter account #ECPMF.

All panels are recorded and will be available at after the conference.



European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Menckestraße 27 - 04155 Leipzig (Germany)
phone: +49(0) 341 20040313