Prima o poi la verità ne uscirà fuori tutta / Croazia: Amnesty International contro Vladimir Šeks / Croazia / aree / Home - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

Prima o poi la verità ne uscirà fuori tutta

"Although the war in Croatia ended almost 15 years ago, the Croatian authorities still lack the political will to deal fully with their past. This leads to impunity for members of the Croatian Army and police forces who allegedly committed war crimes against Croatian Serbs. The legal framework in Croatia remains inadequate for prosecuting war crimes as it does not explicitly define crimes against humanity, the principle of command responsibility or war crimes of sexual violence. There is a continuing ethnic bias against Croatian Serbs in prosecution of war crimes".

Ora aspettiamo anche che in Slovenia si apra il processo per caso Holmec e ricominceremo in Serbia ad avere la speranza nel genere umano.