I francesi non dovevano prima armare e poi girare le spalle agli armeni nel 1915 (v. il capitolo The First Holocaust di uno dei più grandi giornalisti dei nostri tempi Robert Fisk
http://blog.b92.net/user_stuff/upload/211/TheFirstHolocaust.10211.pdf ), ora le declarazioni leggislative per lavarsi le proprie mani sono solo l'ipocrisia pura.
Da tenere in mente anche l'opinione degli armeni in Turchia, e Hrant Dink come l'esponente più famoso, uciso 5 anni fa ( v.
http://www.balcanicaucaso.org/aree/Turchia/Che-cosa-e-successo-nel-1915 ): " When this bill appeared first, we were fast to declare as a group that it would lead to bad results......As you know, I have been tried in Turkey for saying the Armenian genocide exists, and I have talked about how wrong this is. But at the same time, I cannot accept that in France you could possibly now be tried for denying the Armenian genocide. If this bill becomes law, I will be among the first to head for France and break the law."