PhD in anthropology from Siena University, Master in social anthropology of children and child development from Brunel University, London, Degree in Italian literature with a focus on anthropology from Perugia University. Since 1999 she has been doing research on Romania as a member of the Italian ethnological mission there. She has worked on childhood issues and migration, participated in international development projects and collaborated with various NGOs. She speaks fluent Romanian. Since 2011, thanks to a bursary from the CARITRO Foundation, she has been at OBC doing reasearch on transnational welfare between Romania and Italy.
Articles by Cristina Bezzi
25/07/2014 -
Cristina Bezzi
In her documentary "Aici... adica acolo", the journalist and director Laura Capatana addresses the issue of children left behind in Romania leading us through the daily lives of two teenagers
18/02/2014 -
Cristina Bezzi
Romanian women having to look for work abroad are often accused in their country of abandoning their children. The picture, however, is more complex
26/06/2013 -
Cristina Bezzi
The migratory flow from Romania to other European countries has left behind hundreds of thousands of children, who are experiencing a “transnational childhood”. The phenomenon is particularly intense in the Romanian Moldova
29/02/2012 -
Cristina Bezzi
Weeks of street demonstrations in Romania, where citizens have rarely protested against the “power”. We have discussed it with Vintila Mihailescu, an anthropologist amongst the most lucid intellectuals in Romania
07/07/2010 -
Cristina Bezzi
Romania’s 350,000 “white orphans” have been left behind by one or both parents, who emigrated to search for jobs and resources to grant their children a better future. During the “Left Behind” conference in May 2010 in Milan, Italy the “Albero della Vita” association presented the results of their study of the problem