Davide Sighele / Authors / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

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davide sighele

Davide Sighele - Journalist and Documentary-film maker

Degree in International and Diplomatic Studies at Gorizia, University of Trieste. He has worked in the field of international cooperation in Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo and has written numerous reports published in the Italian daily and weekly press. He has been an editor at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso since 2001.

Articles by Davide Sighele

Krk at full solar

23/10/2023 -  Nicole CorritoreDavide Sighele

Decarbonise, decentralise, democratise. These are the three Ds of a possible energy revolution that some citizens are carrying out on the Croatian island of Krk through the installation of many photovoltaic systems and the establishment of an energy community. An interview

Ponikve, together all is possible

23/08/2023 -  Davide Sighele

We went to explore how a multi-service utility company works on the island of Krk. And to understand how it manages to attract and invest European resources, to face the challenges of an island with a high tourist attraction, towards sustainable development

Lubenice: starting back from a museum

12/07/2023 -  Nicole Corritore

In Lubenice, a tiny village in the heart of the island of Cres, there is a museum devoted to sheep farming. Symbol of a territory that, telling about itself, wants to reinterpret and continue in its traditions. We met Marijana Dlačić, its president

Cres: Irena, Guerino, and San Martino medicinal herbs

28/06/2023 -  Davide Sighele

In San Martino in Valle, on the island of Cres, the distillation of medicinal herbs boasts a centuries-old tradition. Today, it is kept alive by Irena and her husband Guerino

Baška, tourism, its limits

25/05/2023 -  Nicole CorritoreDavide Sighele Krk

As in other areas of the Croatian coast, also in Baška, a municipality on the southern tip of the island of Krk, the local administration is facing depopulation in the winter months and saturation in the summer ones. We talked about it with its mayor, Toni Juranić

Islands in Croatia: Otra, development agency

20/04/2023 -  Nicole CorritoreDavide Sighele Cres

In Cres and nearby Losinj there are many territorial development projects that can be promoted thanks to the support of the European Union. But nothing could be done without those who care about the future of local communities

Cres, the sheep, Europe

12/04/2023 -  Davide Sighele

Local official in the morning, farmer in the afternoon. Franjo Toic is the emblem of what Europe can be: local, global, with a strong civic and community sense. An encounter

Fair farming, Emilia Romagna and northern Albania

25/11/2022 -  Davide Sighele

RuralAlbania, a project to support small agricultural producers in northern Albania, started in September. It follows up on strong preexisting relationships, and one of the first initiatives was a study visit

From Norway to Romania: we want to stay in the mountains

08/03/2022 -  Davide Sighele

2022 has been proclaimed by the United Nations "International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development". For the occasion, the Euromontana association promoted an interesting survey among young European mountain people

Albania, civil society on the move

08/02/2022 -  Davide Sighele

In the last thirty years in Albania, only the main parties have managed to bring people to the streets to protest, with some notable exceptions. An interview with researcher Klodiana Beshku