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The New Economic Governance prescriptions in the field of healthcare systems


The webinar examines aspects that are crucial for the prospects of European democracy, namely labour politics and the role of labour movements in the advancement of democracy and social welfare at EU level.

Trieste, where the Balkan route ends solidarity continues

02/03/2024 -  Chiara Milan

In the 'Silos' area in Trieste, history repeats itself: in the places that once housed Istrian refugees, people arriving via the Balkan Route now live in degrading conditions. While waiting for a more dignified solution, the transnational solidarity network tries to make up for the ills produced by a short-sighted political vision of migration policies

ECHR: Romania has violated LGBT+ rights

03/07/2023 -  Mihaela Iordache

Following a complaint by 21 couples, the European Court of Human Rights is asking Romania to legally recognise same-sex families. For civil society this is a historic sentence

Eastern Europe: environment and transnational activism

28/06/2022 -  Luisa ChiodiSerena Epis

Through transnational political activism, social actors contribute to deepening democratic processes on a European level, also in the environmental sector. An interview with Aron Buzogány, professor for political science at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna

Why do some labour alliances succeed in politicising Europe across borders?

05/04/2022 -  Imre G. SzabóDarragh GoldenRoland Erne

Despite the introduction of the European Citizens’ Initiative a decade ago, transnational democratic mobilisations remain a rarity in Europe. Yet as Imre Szabó, Darragh Golden and Roland Erne explain, there remains scope for organisations to build support for public services and oppose privatisation across borders. Drawing on a comparison of two European Citizens’ Initiatives put forward by trade unions, they identify some of the key factors that determine success.

Imagining Europe

05/04/2022 -  Luisa Chiodi

Civic movements that go beyond national borders, populism, and the construction of the common European home. We talked about it with sociologist Paul Blokker, starting from what is happening with the "Conference on the Future of Europe"

Handmaids of transnational democracy? EU politicization and citizens’ initiatives by trade unions

15/02/2022 -  Imre G. SzabóDarragh GoldenRoland Erne

‘Nationalism becomes predominantly a popular cause, […]. Internationalism, at the same stroke, starts to change camps – assuming new forms in the ranks of capital.’ This is how the historian Perry Anderson depicts the emergence of two groupings whose struggle shapes politics in our age: populist nationalism on one side against elitist internationalism on the other.

Albania, civil society on the move

08/02/2022 -  Davide Sighele

In the last thirty years in Albania, only the main parties have managed to bring people to the streets to protest, with some notable exceptions. An interview with researcher Klodiana Beshku

Success and failure of transnational union campaigns

10/01/2022 -  Imre G. SzabóRoland ErneDarragh Golden

The European citizens' initiatives right2water and fair transport. Read in German

Rights at work: together, beyond borders, is better

07/01/2022 -  Chiara Martini

Two cases – the Right2Water campaign and the protests of Ryanair pilots – show how important transnational alliances are for the affirmation of workers' rights. We talked about it with Imre Szabo, Darragh Golden, and Graham Finlay