18th European Week of Regions and Cities
Coesione, cooperazione e ripartenza sono i temi della 18a Settimana europea delle regioni e delle città. Un appuntamento importante per discutere le sfide comuni per le regioni e le città europee e scambiare idee su possibili soluzioni riunendo rappresentanti politici, esperti e professionisti della politica regionale, organizzazioni della società civile del mondo accademico, delle istituzioni dell'UE e dei media. A causa delle difficoltà generate da Covid 19, tutti i lavori si svolgeranno online
Despite the difficulties generated by the COVID 19 pandemic, the #EURegionsWeek 2020 will offer to participants more than 500 digital working sessions to discover over three consecutive weeks in October, from 5-22 October, covering various topics.
Due to the security measures and sanitary situation caused by the pandemic, this year will be the first ever fully digital EURegionsWeek:
- all working sessions will be organised virtually with no physical audience
- the Key sessions of the EURegionsWeek 2020 – Political Opening, Political Closing, Citizens dialogues and High level debates will be streamed and broadcasted live
- exhibitions will be replaced by virtual interactive exhibitions with virtual pitchs
- EURegionstalks will be organised as a virtual session or will be pre-recorded and accessible online
This year, the European Week of Regions and Cities will spread over three consecutive weeks in October, each dedicated to one timely topic:
5-9 October: Empowering Citizens
12-16 October: Cohesion and cooperation
19-22 October: Green Europe, in cooperation with the Green Week
Language: english (en)
- Registration to week 1 sessions Empowering Citizens remain open until 1 October.
- Registration to week 2 sessions Cohesion and Cooperation remain open until 7 October.
- Registration to week 3 sessions Green Europe remain open until 14 October.
To view the recording of the meeting and the slides presented, check the event website Partners’ page!