A Larger Europe for next generations

Conferenza conclusiva del progetto PRINCE 2010 "EU TUNE"

The relationship between young people and European Union, their impression, thoughts, feelings about the forthcoming enlargement, expectation, study experiences, interests towards the enlargement and Europe at large: this is the topic of the last workshop for EU TUNE project.


09:30 Welcome opening remarks
- Mr. Giovanni Briganti, Director of International Affairs, R&D Department at USGM

09:40 EU TUNE project: a contribution toward a better understanding
- Ms. Ilaria Mascitti, Head of International Projects, R&D Office at USGM
- Mr. Marco Ciarrocchi, EU TUNE Project Manager - USGM

09:50 - 12:00 First Session: A larger Europe for next generations: challenges and opportunities
Chairman: Ms. Ilaria Mascitti, Head of International Projects, R&D Office at USGM - Italy

09:50 EU Enlargement: Where Do We Stand?
- Ms. Alexandra Pana, European Commission, Directorate-General Enlargement

10:10 Europe without Borders – is still possible?
- Mr. Luca Zanoni, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso - Italy

10:30 A better Europe by the youth? History's Legacy and future Challenges
- Mr. Matteo Luigi Napolitano, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi - Italy

10:50 Youth work and intercultural learning in the Balkans
- Mr. Marco Boaria, Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) - Italy

11:10 – 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 Inclusion and Engagement: Digital Stories as Passports to Citizenship
- Mr. Joe Lambert, CEO at Center for Digital Storytelling - U.S.A.

11:50 RIGHTS Project: promoting global citizenship through the Digital storytelling
- Ms. Monica Fasciani, RIGHTS Project Manager, USGM - Italy

12:00 – 13:30 Second Session: EU TUNE Award Ceremony
Chairman: Mr. Joao Carlos Sousa, President of Associação de Professores de Sintra - Portugal

Best story from Croatia
Best story from Bosnia-Herzegovina
Best story from Montenegro
Best story from Albania
Best story from European Union

Best story from Croatia
Best story from Bosnia-Herzegovina
Best story from Montenegro
Best story from Albania
Best story from European Union

Best story from Croatia
Best story from Bosnia-Herzegovina
Best story from Montenegro
Best story from Albania
Best story from European Union

13:30 Conclusions and end of the International workshop

13:45 Lunch


Università degli Studi "Guglielmo Marconi"
Marco Ciarrocchi, International Projects and R&D Office
Via Plinio 44 - 00193 Roma