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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Constitution and EU Accession

The University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Law organize the final conference within the project "Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Constitution and EU Accession. An Academic Platform for Discussing an Options" (CEI Knowledge Exchange Project Italy)


9.00 Registration of the participants.

9.15 Opening of the Conference and Welcome by

Prof. dr Rifat Škrijelj, Rector of the University of Sarajevo

Prof. dr Amila Ždralović, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo

HE Marco Di Ruzza, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy

9.30 Introduction to the CEI KEP BiH project by

Lejla Balić, University of Sarajevo and

Jens Woelk, University of Trento

10.00 – 11.30 First session

Values, principles, rights and duties for a functional system of multi-level governance in BiH

Damir Banović, University of Sarajevo

Basic values, normative principles, and constitutionally guaranteed rights and duties for a functional system of multi-level governance and multicultural society

Dražen Barbarić, University of Mostar

The false dilemma of B&H constitutionalism

Discussant: Joseph Marko, University of Graz

Chair: Luisa Chiodi, OBC Transeuropa

11.30 – 12.00 Coffee break

12.00 – 13.30 Second session

Institutional organization of political representation and participation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maja Sahadžić, Utrecht University and Samir Forić, University of Sarajevo

Complex state (Složena država): Sub-national autonomy vs. the central level

Lejla Balić, University of Sarajevo

Bicameralism in BiH - problems and perspectives

Discussant: Bojan Vlaški, University of Banja Luka

Intergovernmental relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina - as a possible instrument of effective federal system

Chair: Tatjana Sekulić, University of Milano-Bicocca


The project is co-financed by the CEI Know-how Exchange Programme financed by Italy through the CEI Fund at the EBRD.

Partner Universities and Institutions:
University of Milano-Bicocca (coordinator of the project);
University of Trento;
EURAC, Bozen/Bolzano;
University of Sarajevo;
University of East Sarajevo;
University of Mostar;
University of Banja Luka;
Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa.

In cooperation with the University of Graz and the Utrecht University.