Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in Azerbaijan: What Role for the EU?

Tavola rotonda internazionale nell'ambito del progetto "Azerbaijan, Caucasus and the EU: Towards Close Cooperation?"

The seminar will address the process of transition to democracy in Azerbaijan, namely local self-government and decentralization of the power, corruption, development of the civil society, freedom of mass media and religious groups.

An outlook for coming years will be further discussed: What are the prospects for political reforms regarding the development of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan? Viewed it as part of the European continent and connected to the process of eastern EU enlargement, the EU has traditionally paid greater attention to democracy in the Eastern neighbourhood – including Azerbaijan – compared to the southern Mediterranean. Yet, the wave of revolts in the Arab world have sparked a renewed and reinvigorated EU attention to democracy in its neighbourhood. What are the implications of the Arab spring for the prospects for political reform in the east and in particular in Azerbaijan? Are these two European neighbourhoods sealed from reciprocal influences or can (and if so how can) the wave of change in the Middle East affect Azerbaijan as well? How will a revision of EU policies in the southern Mediterranean impinge on EU policies towards the eastern neighbour? What are the prospects for the EU to deepen or alter good governance, the rule of law, elections, the media and civil society development in Azerbaijan?

Working language will be English and no simultaneous translation will be provided




IAI - Istituto Affari Internazionali
Nathalie Champion - Programme and event assistant
Via Angelo Brunetti, 9 - 00186 Roma
telefono: 06 3224360 (Switchboard) - ext. 40