Intercultural dialogue in the year of European Citizenship

Seminario internazionale organizzato nell'ambito del progetto AdriGov - Adriatic Governance Operational Plan


27th May 2013

Thematic Session: Intercultural dialogue in the year of European Citizenship: the value of skills and new careers in the Adriatic – Ionian Area

Moderator: Mr. Francesco Cocco

09:00 - Registration of participants
09:15 - Welcome opening remarks and general introduction
- Prof. Sacir Filandra, Dean of Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo
- Mr. Francesco Cocco – Project coordinator “AdriGov”
- Mrs. Annika Patregnani – Biennale Habitat
- Mr. Federico Portelli, Alderman of Youth Policies of Province of Gorizia

09:45 - Education about integration and knowledge of intercultural dialogue issues and multi-ethnic civilization of the Adriatic and Ionian Western and Eastern Europe.
- Mr. Silvestro Regina: “The Citizen of the World Passport” – project about Peace Education for the promotion of intercultural values in the Adriatic – Ionian Macro - Region.


11:00 - Coffee Break

11:30 - Guidance and European training for the development of new careers in the fields of sustainable economies and local development.
- Mrs. Luisa Del Turco: “Cross – cutting issues and skills: conflict management and gender approach”.
- Emilio Cocco: "Social Resilience and Entrepreneurship in the frame of Adriatic Regional Development".
- Mr. Silvestro Regina: “Arts & Crafts for Peace”- Presentation of the Free University of Arts and Crafts.


13:15 - Lunch

14:15 - EU enlargement to the Balkans: Youth and new job opportunities.
- Mr. Stefano Carbone: “Youth participation and integrated educational system – Youth Adrinet Strategy in order to empower cohesion and social capital”

14:45 - Mr. Everardo Minardi: “The training of agents of local and regional development: the role of Universities in the macro Adriatic – Ionian Macro – Region”


15:30 - Conclusions

15:45 - Closing of the Seminar


28th May 2013

Thematic Session: Adriatic-Ionian Euroregion Thematic Session on Youth, Training and Employment as part of the Human Resources Committee in the framework of the macro-regional Strategy for Adriatic and Ionian territories.

08:45 - Registration of participants

09:00 - Opening and welcome by Molise Region and AIE Secretariat
- Mr. Francesco Cocco – Project coordinator “AdriGov”

09:10 - Mr. Stefano Carbone: Introduction to the thematic Report about Youth, Training and Employment policies in the Adriatic and Ionian territories.

09:30 - Elaboration of a AIE Strategic document on Youth, Training and Employment policies: a proposal for a path

09:40 - Human Resources Committee working group

10:40 - Voting on draft political statement with recommendations from AIE members

10:50 - Conclusions

11:00 - Closing of the Thematic Session