Let's grow up together

Incontro di presentazione del progetto: "Gender Resources Centers for Orientation and Professional Qualification of Excluded Women in Albania and Montenegro"

14:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee

14:15 Welcome - Including a short Project Over view
- Diana Çuli, President of Independent Forum of Albanian Women

14:45 Partners Introduction & partner organisation’s presentation (Each partner presents the main experiences and skills of its organization).

15:15 Presentation of the Project WP-s and Phases .
- Lead Beneficiary, Project Manager/Coordinator

15:45 Partners Role & Responsibilities. (WP Leaders are invited to elaborate a presentation of their WP focusing on the main activities and the outputs that has to be reached)

16:30 Project Management; What/When/Who (A proposal on Project Management tools, Communication Tools ; Project Management Structures for the project implementation )
- Lead Beneficiary/PP
16:50 - Budgetary Issues, Deadlines, Progress Reports & Requests for Reimbursement . Contract Issues . (Expenditures Reporting Procedures; Reporting Periods ecc.)
- Lead Beneficiary/PP

17:20 Coffee Break

17:40 Discussion on the project outputs, deliverables and Operational Plan. Other. (Project LB summarizes the inputs of PP and will propose the main milestones of the future detailed operational plan to be prepared and shared with the PP)

18:30 Conclusion of the Kick Off Meeting

20:00 Working Dinner


Independent Forum for the Albanian Women
Rr. Brigada VIII, P. Tekno Projekt Shk. 1 Ap. 5/3
telefono: +355 04 228 181