Memory, Reconciliation, Politics. The Challenges for Old and New Generations

Conferenza internazionale organizzata nell'ambito della manifestazione "Bosnia Erzegovina e Balcani. Venti anni dopo. Percorsi di cooperazione tra memoria e integrazione" dal 21 al 23 novembre


9:30 Opening Remarks
- Kenneth Keller, Director, Johns Hopkins University SAIS Bologna Center
- Carla Salvaterra, Vice Rector for International Affairs, University of Bologna
- Matteo Lepore, Deputy-Mayor for International Relations, City of Bologna

10:00 - 13:00 Morning Session organized by CCSDD
Justice, Reconciliation and Human Rights
Chair: Susanna Mancini, University of Bologna and Johns Hopkins University SAIS Bologna Center

The Role and Limits of Transitional Justice: Local Tribunals and International Courts
Norman Farrell, Former Deputy Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Human Rights and Institution Building: what does the future hold after "Sejdic and Finci v. BiH"?
Justin Frosini, Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development and Bocconi University

Right to Property and Right to Return
Vera Jovanovic

The Role of Local Government in the Protection of Human Rights
Svjetlana Kakes, Tuzla City Council

Discussant: Massimo Moratti, Independent Human Rights Expert, OBC correspondent

15:00 - 17:30 Afternoon Session organized by IECOB

Post-War Unsettlement and EU Integration. The Legacies of the Conflict
Chair: Jean Blondel, European University Institute

Inviolable borders: from Badinter up to Now
Zdravko Grebo, University of Sarajevo

Anti-War Activism in the Early Nineties: in Search of an Alternative to the Dominant Discourse
Dora Komnenovic, University of Bologna

The War, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
Damir Grubiša, Ambassador of Croatia to Italy

Nation-State, Legitimacy and Economic Crisis: Lessons not learned from Yugoslavia and the EU perspective
Stefano Bianchini, University of Bologna

Discussant: Melita Richter, University of Trieste

17:30 Concluding Remarks


Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development (CCSDD)