The Court’s achievements, challenges and prospects for the future

Lectio Magistralis tenuta da Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Court, The Hague


09:30 Welcome
prof. Luisa Antoniolli, Director of the School of International Studies

- prof. Mauro Politi - Faculty of Law and School of International Studies, University of Trento
- prof. Giuseppe Nesi - Director of the Faculty of Law, University of Trento
- min. Giorgio Marrapodi - Director General for Legal Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

10:30 Lectio Magistralis "The Court’s achievements, challenges and prospects for the future"
Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor - International Criminal Court, The Hague

11:30-12:30 Discussion


School of International Studies
Via Verdi 8/10 - 38122 Trento
telefono: 0461 283125