The Rule of Law in the EU and the Consequences of its Violations
Congress organized by the School of International Studies of the University of Trento, in order to reflect on the causes, the nature and the consequences of these threats to the rule of law in Europe
Europe, in recent years, has experienced raising attacks and threats to the principle and practice of the 'rule of law' from various political actors, including some member States’ governments and populist parties. These threats to the rule of law have important and dangerous implications for the entire European system. In fact, the attacks have serious consequences not only for the legal order of member States’ countries and the EU, but also, more broadly, for the working of civil and political society.
In order to reflect on the causes, the nature and the consequences of these threats to the rule of law in Europe, the School of International Studies of the University of Trento organizes a workshop. The aim of this international and interdisciplinary workshop is to investigate the impact of threats to the rule of law on the quality of European democracy, focusing also on judicial systems and the legal protection of potentially dissenting actors, such as the media, NGOs, professional bodies (e.g. scientific associations) and social movement organizations, and more generally on the protection of fundamental rights.
Monday 7 February - 14.30-18.00
Institutional greetings: Stefano Schiavo – SIS
For a citizen-centric Rule of Law agenda: how do we bring the Rule of Low to life?
Keynote: Kalypso Nicolaidis - EUI, Florence
Panel 1 - Democracy, Rule of Law and the EU
Discussant: Manuela Caiani - SNS, Florence, Pisa
John Erik Fossum - Arena, Oslo
Emanuele Massetti -SIS
Carlo Ruzza and Carlo Berti – SIS
Hans-Joerg Trenz - SNS, Florence, Pisa
Tuesday 8 February – 9.00-18.00
Panel 2 - Protection of Fundamental Rights, Civil Society, and the Rule of Law
Discussant: Elsa Tsioumani -SIS
Luisa Antoniolli -SIS
Matteo Borzaga -SIS
Sondra Faccio – SIS
Panel 3 - Rule of Law in the EU and its Challenges
Discussant: Alessandra Russo – SIS
Umberto Tulli -SIS
Jens Woelk – SIS
Antonino Alì – SIS
Manuel Anselmi - University of Bergamo
Paul Blokker - University of Bologna
Lunch break
Panel 4 - Political Communication, Populism and the Rule of Law
Discussant: Ivan Tranfić - SNS, Florence, Pisa
Luigi Bonatti -SIS
Flaminia Saccà and Luca Massidda - University of Tuscia
Stefano Benati and Carlo Ruzza – SIS
Milena Meo and Valentina Raffa - University of Messina
Final Roundtable
Luisa Antoniolli, John Erik Fossum, Andrea Fracasso, Louisa Parks, Carlo Ruzza, Ivan Tranfić, Hans-Joerg Trenz
The event is co-financed by the grant PRIN 2017 “Populism and Anti-Populism in EU Institutions” Project Code 2017JEZ4NP
Pre-registration: Link to register
Pre-registered auditors who cannot attend the Conference in person may contact the Program Office ( to ask for the Zoom link to access the Conference remotely.