War(s) in Yugoslavia

Stimoli per "Una cultura di pace europea"

The term Yugoslav wars (often called the Balkan conflict) describes a series of wars in the region of former Yugoslavia, which were associated with the break up of the state. More precisely, there was the 10-day war in Slovenia (1991), the Croation war (1991–1995) and the Kosovan war (1999).

The conference analyses the wars and their effects and takes stock of possible lessons and future perspectives for peace on an individual state and European level as well on as the level of civil society.


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Bettina Gruber
Zentrum für Friedensforschung und Friedenspädagogik Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65–67 A-9020 Klagenfurt
phone: +43 463 2700-8650