Observatory on the Balkans, with the support of the European Union and the Autonomous Province of Trento. And... EDITARE A MANO IL CONTENUTO HTML

17/10/2007 -  Anonymous User

The international conference "Bad Memories" was the final step of a year-long elaboration through which we worked on the topic of the war memorials commemorating the Second World War in ex-Yugoslavia.

The outcomes, beside the conference, are: the documentary film "The circle of memory" by Andrea Rossini; three seminars for its presentation to the public held at the Council of Europe in Strasburg, at the cutural centre De Balie in Amsterdam, and at the Metro-Kino in Vienna; a series of written materials (interviews, articles, stories) all collected in a on-line Dossier.

A special thanks is dedicated to the institutions and donors that made all this possible.

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