9 giugno 2009
Il saggio di Martina Fischer si pone come finalità quella di presentare una panoramica sulla ricerca condotta dal 1998 dal Berghof Forschungszentrum für konstruktive Konfliktbearbeitung (Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management) di Berlino, evidenziando il lavoro dei principali soggetti che hanno collaborato con il Centro.
The Dayton Accords ended the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1995.
The 10th anniversary gives reason to investigate the post-war period, today's realities and future perspectives.
Authors from Bosnia and international experts express their views on recent developments. Insiders and outsiders, working in the conflict and on its transformation, have been invited to tackle the questions:
Which conflict lines mark the present society and which steps have addressed the underlying causes? What are the potentials and limits of international support? What does "civil society" mean in Bosnia and how is it related to statebuilding and democratisation? How can people constructively deal with the past in order to design the future in the region of former Yugoslavia?
Peacebuilding and Civil Society in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ten Years after Dayton
di Martina Fischer
anno di pubblicazione: 2007
Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management