KFN exerts unprecedented censorship._BG.pdf 728,86 kB
Oligarchs assert control over media in Eastern Europe._BG.pdf 1,09 MB
Institutions and parties legitimate %22pseudo-journalism%22._BG.pdf 1,21 MB
(Over one in two journalists aknowledge political pressure on the media._BG.pdf 1,25 MB
An atmosphere of violence and shady ownership in the Bulgarian media._BG.pdf 1.022,83 kB
Ukraine and Russia agreed to look for a ceasefire after journalist death._BG.pdf 1,07 MB
Where is the EU media campaign for the European elections?_BG.pdf 1,76 MB
The hidden cost of austerity in Greece- Silencing dissent and independent media - report._ENG.pdf 975,33 kB
Turkish government arrests media chiefs in latest assault on free speech in the media._ENG.pdf 831,79 kB
Media freedom in Greece- State of play and the need for change._ENG.pdf 1.007,05 kB