Quando l'igiene uccide la qualità_BG.pdf 8,29 MB
Quando l'igiene uccide la qualità_BCHS.pdf 4,71 MB
Quando l'igiene uccide la qualità_ENG.pdf 3,61 MB
Quando l'igiene uccide la qualità_IT.pdf 1,47 MB
UE Members have the possibility to prohibit the cultivation of GMOs approved at the unions' level_the new regulations should facilitate this procedure._BCHS.pdf 801,63 kB
It's time to talk about a %22social Europe%22_BCHS.pdf 679,77 kB
%22European Union and US don't understand each other.%22.pdf 771,37 kB
Cameron's %22diplomatic defeat%22_BCHS.pdf 463,02 kB
Respect the will of the voters_BCHS.pdf 1,40 MB
Nothing about the radical coalition_BCHS.pdf 503,21 kB