Libertà dei media e sfera pubblica europea [Dicembre 2015] / Occasional paper / Home - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

Libertà dei media e sfera pubblica europea [Dicembre 2015]

L'Unione Europea ha ripetutamente indicato la libertà dei media come uno dei pilastri fondamentali dei sistemi democratici, includendo tale principio nei documenti fondamentali dell'Unione. Nonostante ciò, l'indipendenza dei media e la sicurezza dei giornalisti sono costantemente sottoposti a pressioni sia all'interno dell'UE che nei paesi che aspirano a diventarne membri.

The EU has consistently recognised media freedom and pluralism as fundamental pillars of democratic systems, enshrining these principles in EU binding documents. As far as Enlargement countries are concerned, Commissioner Hahn recently stated that media freedom is an “imperative” and that “without freedom of the media, a country can not be part of the EU".

Despite this, both in Member states and in the countries aspiring to join the EU, media independence and the safety of journalists are often under pressure by means of direct and indirect threats.

Taking a closer look at the situation in EU member states, Freedom House warns that Europe registered the world’s second-largest net decline in media freedom since 2004, a deterioration which is second only to Eurasia. Such deterioration can be attributed to the incremental erosion of the legal and economic environments - the product of several trends including the digital evolution as well as negative factors such as the economic crisis and the securitarian turn, that further facilitate the interferences with the ability of journalists to cover the news in person.

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Autore: OBC (Position paper presentato al convegno "Transeuropa: reti di società civile")

Lingua: inglese 
