Parola chiave: media

Link Tipo
Turkey: Evrensel journalists must be released immediately Notizia breve
Death threats against Serbian journalists must be investigated Notizia breve
ECPMF sent a letter of concern to the President of Ukraine Notizia breve
OSCE condemns setting reporter’s car on fire in Cyprus Notizia breve
Turkey: solidarity with a newspaper is not a crime Notizia breve
EBU concerned about threat to HRT and public service media in Croatia Notizia breve
Online journalist flees Russia following threats Notizia breve
IFJ and EFJ discuss media freedom in Turkey with CoE's General Secretary Notizia breve
Deterioration of media freedom in Croatia: an infographic Notizia breve
CoE Commissioner concerned over NIN defamation verdict Notizia breve
Media ownership concentration and crisis in Romania Notizia breve
Slovenia and the access to public information Notizia breve
OSCE: Kosovo neads a commission on murdered and missing journalists Notizia breve
La comunità internazionale per la libertà di stampa condanna l'omicidio della giornalista Daphne Galizia Notizia breve
Turchia, tenuta la prima udienza del "processo RedHack" Notizia breve
38 Nobel scrivono a Erdoğan Notizia breve
EU-Turkey Summit in Bulgaria: symbolic accreditation issued for jailed Turkish journalists Notizia breve
I paesi balcanici più vulnerabili alle “fake news” Notizia breve
Cumhuriyet trial: the crime is journalism Notizia breve