
Disinformation online and how it can be addressed is an issue that governments around the world are presently grappling with. The panel: "Disinformation and online advertising: do we need to rethink the Internet’s business model?" 

To ensure sustainable policymaking in this space, it is essential to not just look at disinformation in isolation, but also in context of its relation to the broader internet ecosystem. This panel discussion will seek to do just that, by unpacking the relationship between disinformation and the targeted advertising business model that underpins the internet today. Bringing together a diverse panel of policy experts and practitioners, this panel, organised by Mozilla at the CPDP2019, assesses the sustainability of today’s targeted advertising business model, and explores whether regulatory, technological, or commercial change is needed to ensure online advertising doesn’t inadvertently fuel the disinformation phenomenon. 

Chair: Sarah Eskens, UvA (NL)

Moderator: Jennifer Baker, Brussels Geek (BE)

Speakers: Nathalie Marechal, Ranking Digital Rights (US); Liz Carolan, Transparent Referen- dum Initiative (IE); Matt Rogerson, The Guardian (UK); Raegan MacDonald, Mozilla (BE)

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