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gallery iconDemining in Croatia in figures
The 1990s conflict in Croatia continues to bring dramatic consequences. In fact, every year the mines that have not yet been cleared cause new victims. Huge funds from EU cohesion policy...
video iconRegional cooperation in the Western Balkans and gradual integration to the Eu
Regional cooperation is a pillar of the EU integration and stabilization process of the Western Balkan countries. Over the past two decades, many regional cooperation initiatives increase...
gallery iconSlovenia, the new biotechnology hub of the National Institute of Biology
A new research centre has recently become operational in Ljubljana. It is the biotechnology hub of the National Institute of Biology (NIB), created thanks to European funds and inaugurate...

EU Funds to Support Water Management in Croatia

Despite joining the European Union more than a decade ago, Croatia has struggled to meet European Union standards for environmental protection, especially in water and waste collection, management and treatment

Bulgaria, a hub for clean technology research

Also thanks to European cohesion funds, Bulgaria has recently equipped itself with an innovative research centre for clean technologies, to connect the Bulgarian scientific world and help citizens and institutions comply with the new ecological standards

Greece, historic legalisation of same-sex marriages

Greece has made history by becoming the first Orthodox-majority country to legalise same-sex marriage. A step that comes after a long journey, marked by strong opposition from the Church and conservative forces in the country

The Media Freedom Resource Centre is an online platform enabling quick and easy access for journalists, media experts, policy makers and the broad public to an ever-growing collection of resources on media freedom in Europe. Developed by OBC and the European Centre for Press and Media Fredoom


In 30 of Europe's biggest cities, streets named after women make up only 9 per cent of the streets dedicated to individuals. The imbalance has started to narrow in some places, but progress is too slow: at this rate, it would take centuries to really close the gap.

Work for Future

EU cohesion policy and 6 South-Eastern European countries: figures, factsheets, and qualitative analyses to show the results achieved to date - and what remains to be done 


Uncharted Europe turns the work of the European Data Journalism Network into a podcast exploring issues that matter to European citizens

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