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Serena Epis | 22 November 2024

Journalists across Europe are often subjected to subtle forms of pressure and intimidation, including vexatious lawsuits frequently initiated by influential politicians or businesspeople. Blerjana Bino, Executive Director of SCiDEV and Researcher at the SafeJournalists Network, provides insight into the situation in the country

Media Freedom in the Western Balkans: Challenges in the Framework of EU Enlargement

As political interference and threats to journalists grow, the EU's new legislative measures, including the anti-SLAPP directive and the European Media Freedom Act, aim to safeguard press freedom in member and candidate countries. A recent webinar highlighted the struggle for media independence in Albania and Serbia amid their EU accession efforts


The battle for the Shushica Valley

In Albania, a project that aims at boosting tourism in the coastal town of Himarë is putting at risk over 50,000 people living in the Shushica Valley, a tributary of the Vjosa river.

Mediafreedom ECPMF

Albania: Smear campaigns against independent media and civil society organizations must stop
8/10/2024 - SafeJournalists Network and organizations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) strongly condemn the attacks on...
Albania: SPAK must respect source protection in case of journalist Elton Qyno
11/1/2024 - OBCT signed a joint letter together with media freedom partners in the SafeJournalists Network, the Media Freedom Ra...
Albania: urgent measures needed to safeguard journalists
20/7/2023 - OBCT condemns recent attacks against journalists in Albania and calls on authorities to ensure press freedom in the...
Albania: Concern after government ally elected to head key media regulator
14/7/2021 - The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) expresses deep concern about the future impartiality and independence of Alb...