Edu-kit / Training / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

Multimedia itineraries and educational materials

Media freedom in Europe

The online course offers an overview of the situation of media freedom in Europe and discusses the role played by the European Union in this sector. The course targets: active citizens, students, teachers, and information professionals. The course is curated by OBCT Transeuropa in the framework of the partnership with ECPMF

The Balkans: past and present of a European region

Online course in collaboration between the operative units OBC Transeuropa and Competences for Global Society of the Centre for International Cooperation. It seeks to provide interpretive lenses and key concepts for a critical approach to the complexities of the Balkans. Through a reconstruction of the region's recent history, moving between the regional dimension and the local contexts, the course questions some common assumptions and cliches with a fundamentally historical approach.

The Parliament of rights | Edukit

The educational kit developed by OBC Transeuropa and CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe is an interactive tool aimed at fostering the understanding of the EU policy-making, through a case study focused on the EU anti-discrimination policies and the role of the European Parliament in this ongoing process.

Realised within a project co-financed by the European Union

The EU and the political development in South-East Europe | EUSEE edu kits

3 online multimedia itineraries to explore some key aspects in the relationship between the European Union, the countries of Southeast Europe, and the Eastern Partnership countries. The first of edu-kit in the EUSEE series is "The Nineties and the return of war in Europe. Crimes, justice, and reconciliation".

Produced within the three-year project "The EU and the political development in South-East Europe / EUSEE", cofinanced by the European Union – Erasmus+ Programme.

Tell Europe to Europe | Edukit

3 videos, 8 photo-stories, and 8 sheets to learn more about Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey – the eight countries of South East Europe on their way towards future EU membership. For enlarged Europe to be new-generation. Educational kit for students of junior high and high schools.

Produced in 2013 as part of "Tell Europe to Europe", a project co-funded by the EU.

AestOvest. Storia, Memories intersection of Fascism, Communism and Nazism. From the Italian-Yugoslav border to European internal borders

AestOvest is an online multimedia teaching tool that traces the history and sites of remembrance of the border space between Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. It offers 3 modules to learn about the European border through texts, audios, videos, photographs, maps, chronology, bibliographies, and website lists, leading students to understand the importance, challenges, and opportunities of European integration. Also available on DVD.

Produced in 2008 within the project "AestOvest. Memories intersection of Fascism, Communism and Nazism. From the Italian-Yugoslav border to European internal borders", co-financed by the European Union – Europe for Citizens 2007-2013.