Giorgio Comai |
26 June 2020
Górecki spent a lavish amount of time in the Caucasus, meeting people across the region and hearing their stories. His Caucasus trilogy makes for excellent reading. Yet, not all of it is accessible to the international readership it deserves
Student protest in Dagestan approaches third week
OC Media
30 May 2019
Not indifferent; civil activism surges in Daghestan
Aida Mirmaksumova
16 May 2017
Alisa Ganieva, if the Caucasus separated from Russia
Maria Elena Murdaca
9 January 2013
Russia, NGOs become "foreign agents"
Moscow |
Irina Gordienko*
21 November 2012
Dagestan, two years of Magomedov
Mosca |
Irina Gordienko*
6 March 2012
The Sharipov case and inadequate safeguards for the right to asylum
Giorgio Comai
13 July 2011