Feature stories

Armenian citizenship։ a passport that helps to live

20/06/2024 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

Tens of thousands of people fled to Armenia last year from Nagorno Karabakh, reconquered by arms from Azerbaijan: many are now asking for Armenian citizenship, to be able to start rebuilding their lives again

Armenia, silent violence on old people

10/06/2024 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

Violence against older people is a real and little-studied problem globally, but also felt in countries like Armenia and the Caucasus in general. Also because the elderly tend to live isolated, and struggle to find help

Migrants: all the doubts about the Rama-Meloni agreement

03/06/2024 -  Erion GjatolliGiovanni Vale

Despite the inconsistencies and uncertainties around the agreement signed between Rome and Tirana for the reception of migrants on Albanian soil, and while awaiting the judgment of the European Court, work on the two centres has already begun in Gjadër and Shëngjin. We went to see how they were progressing

Tetovo, a great little museum

06/05/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

With dedication and passion, Simeon Zlatev has created a true ethnographic museum by collecting traditional Macedonian objects, now mostly disappeared, for over three decades

Afan, between asphalt and grass

10/04/2024 -  Lidija Pisker

Being a factory town best known for its steel mill and polluted air, Zenica is probably not the first place you would want to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina. But the socialist face of Zenica and the nature that surrounds it is becoming more and more interesting for tourists, thanks to one young enthusiastic tour guide

The Armenian dream for Indians

06/03/2024 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

The number of Indians moving to Armenia is increasing and for thousand of them Armenia is a dream, but not everyone's dream comes true right away

North Macedonia: limited resources for managing natural park fires

11/10/2023 -  Marco Ranocchiari

North Macedonia’s protected areas are of great ecological importance, but are increasingly exposed to the risk – among others – of fire. While political fragmentation and a shortage of personnel and resources pose considerable challenges, there has been significant progress. A report from the Šar Mountains National Park

Marco Polo, homo adriaticus in spite of everything

28/08/2023 -  Giovanni Vale Korčula

Where was Marco Polo born? What is his native country? A question that made little sense in the 13th century – everything was under the control of the Republic of Venice – is nowadays a source of debates, especially between Croatia and Italy. A new project tries to overcome them

Topolò, Europe. Voices from the border/2

17/08/2023 -  Paola Rosà

The end of the Station and new beginnings with the Robida collective, between nostalgia, mountain sobriety, and lucid enthusiasm: the second part of a reportage from Topolò, which never ceases to be a forge of cultural and life projects despite all the difficulties, including bureaucratic ones

Topolò, Europe. Voices from the border/1

10/08/2023 -  Paola Rosà

Bilingualism denied, espionage in families, Gladio: history on the border has left indelible marks on the present of Topolò, a town on the Italian-Slovenian border where, also thanks to European funds, attempts are being made to build a future. First part of a reportage