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“Italy’s top website for, as its name suggests, Balkan and Caucasus affairs [...] The Osservatorio site is fascinating”  TIM JUDAH, THE ECONOMIST, 2010

“The best news portal on South-East Europe”  PAOLO RUMIZ, LA REPUBBLICA, 2005



Journalism Prize on War Reporting Antonio Russo 2010 , Internet section

For over ten years the online news publisher Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso has been providing Italian and European readers with the most comprehensive news bulletin on a region that, since the late Eighties, has seen the return of war in Europe. By dealing with this area, Osservatorio has filled a gap in information often left uncovered due to lack of interest and many distractions typical of our media in the past. Today this website covers at least twenty countries with over fifty correspondents and about one-hundred readers a month, and its stories are published by many Italian daily and periodical news papers and providers. Recently the prestigious magazine 'The Economist' defined Osservatorio as “Italy’s top website for Balkan and Caucasus affairs"



PAOLO MARTINO (OBC correspondent)

Reportage "Mussa Khan" www.balcanicaucaso.org, October 2010

European Journalism Prize  - Together against discrimination (ITA)

For contributing to promulgating in public opinion the value and advantages of diversity and carrying on the fight against discrimination



Article "Armenian Genocide: 'I remember them'" www.balcanicaucaso.org, 2010

Journalism Prize 'Enzo Baldoni' internet section 2010, Milan (ITA)

A story on the Armenian genocide expressly written for the web, told through the direct testimonies of its protagonists


AZRA NUHEFENDIĆ  (OBC correspondent from Bosnia Herzegovina)

Article "The Train", www.balcanicaucaso.org, 2010

Journalism Prize 'Writing for Central and Eastern Europe 2010',  Vienna (AUT)

Reportage “The American Friend", www.balcanicaucaso.org, 2008

Selected for the Journalism Prize 'Writing for Central and Eastern Europe 2008', Vienna (AUT)



Reportage "Death of a Deminer", www.balcanicaucaso.org, 12th December 2008

Journalism Prize 'Enzo Baldoni' internet section 2009, Milan (ITA)

For pointing out an extremely topical postwar condition: the mine clearance problem in Bosnia  Herzegovina. And for having been able to emphasise this theme, linking it to a specific human story  n the context of a concise informative dossier and survey of the minesweeper profession

Finalist in the 'Journalism Prize Writing for Central and Eastern Europe 2009', Vienna (AUT)


DRAGUTIN HEDL  (Journalist, correspondent from Osijek of OBC)

CEI Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2008, Vienna (AUT)

Writing about war crimes is not something that makes a journalist popular. People are unwilling to look into the dark side of the war, and often dismiss those who report on it as traitors. Despite this unpopular image, Hedl still lives in Croatia

Knight International Journalism Awards 2006, Washington (USA)

His struggles against ultra-nationalism, wartime propaganda and hate speech, and for tolerance and the rule of law, have led to accusations of treason against him . His support for sending indicted war criminals to the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague has irritated his opponents further


GIAN MATTEO APUZZO (researcher, collaborator of OBC)

Special Prize 'Scritture di Frontiera 2008', Udine (ITA)

Awared for the activities he has been carrying out for years, aimed at gaining knowledge of 'The Other' and inter-cultural dialogue, achieved through the organisation and promotion of conferences and the publication of numerous texts on urban poverty and housing issues in Latin America, as well as on the tragedy of divided cities. The latter is a topical study of great interest for both the academic arena and for socio-territorial projects and trainings, with a particular focus on the Balkans




by Davide Sighele and Francesco Martino

Selection at the 'Film Festival del Paesaggio 2010', Parco delle Madonie (ITA)



by Davide Sighele and Micol Cossali

Selection at the 57th 'TrentoFilmFestival', Orizzonti 2009 section , Trento (ITA)

Selection at the 20th 'International Festival of Archaeological Film', The Last but not Least! 2009 section, Rovereto (ITA) 

Selection at the 9th 'International Mountain Film Festival 2009', Bansko (BLG) Finalist at the 14th 'Valsusa Filmfest', Le Alpi 2010 section, Condove (ITA) 

Selection at the 6th 'Dialëktus Festival 2010 - European Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival', Budapest (HUN)



by Andrea Oskari Rossini

Finalist at the 13th 'International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and News Film, Arco Latino Prize 2008', Turin (ITA)

Selected at the 19th 'International Festival of Archaeological Film', The Last but not Least! 2008 section, Rovereto (ITA)



by Andrea Oskari Rossini

2° Prize at the 5th 'Tekfestival DOC 2006', Rome (ITA)

For his brave and arduous choice of a theme that people usually attempt to remove but that touches us closely. Because it talks about an ethnic war that has re-presented ancient memories, but has also anticipated the tragic topicality of the conflict's totality in terms of the enemy's annihilation

Special mention at the 4th 'BiancoFilmFestival 2006', Perugia (ITA)

For his ability to narrate a bitter and still unresolved matter of recent European history

Selected at the 54th 'TrentoFilmFestival', Orizzonti 2006 section , Trento (ITA)

Selected at the 11th 'International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and News Film 2006', Marseilles (FRA)

Selected at the 5th 'Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival 2007', Kathmandu (NEP)

Selected at the 'Festival-Archivio Exodus: Los Margenes del Imperio 2007', Barcelona (ESP)