Massimo Guglietta | 26 June 2024

Despite joining the European Union more than a decade ago, Croatia has struggled to meet European Union standards for environmental protection, especially in water and waste collection, management and treatment

Ride&Bike between Slovenia and Croatia

Thanks to European Cohesion policies and funds, through the Interreg VA Slovenia-Croatia cooperation programme, two projects were born and developed over time which spanned a period of approximately 15 years: Ride&Bike  between 2007 and 2013, and Ride&Bike II, between 2018 and 2021. These projects have transformed the hilly regions between Slovenia and Croatia along the Sava and its tributaries into popular destinations for cyclists, walkers and horseback excursionists. We talked about the project in general here.

The Cres sheep

Small, but lively and resistant. Forged by the context in which it is raised. It is the Cres sheep, an enduring tradition of the island. Despite it all. A video story by Nicole Corritore and Davide Sighele

Mediafreedom ECPMF

Croatia: SafeJournalists and MFRR partners express full solidarity and support to Hrvoje Zovko in further legal battle
7/6/2024 - Following the decision of the Supreme Court to overturn the the previous verdicts on the case involving Hrvoje Zovko...
Croatia signs the partnership for EU cohesion policies
8/9/2022 - The most recent member country of the European Union is preparing to receive funds from European cohesion policies 2...
Croatia: Smear campaign against journalist Anja Kožul
11/12/2020 - Transnational solidarity for Anja Kozul, the Serbian journalist living in Croatia, victim of a smear campaign
Croatia and the access to public information
1/2/2017 - An interview to Barbara Matejcic, freelance journalist in Croatia