Are the Western Balkans becoming a mine of raw materials needed for the upcoming “green revolution”? Civil society organisations and many citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and North Macedonia answer resolutely: NO! The battle to protect the environment and health continues

Serbia: submerged by waste

In Serbia, every citizen produces an average of one kilo of waste per day. Most end up in illegal or unregulated landfills, with an uncontrolled production of methane in the atmosphere. Everyone must, and can, do their part. A video report

How agriculture changes in Serbia

Temperatures are rising, winds are blowing the humus away and extreme weather events are increasing: a problem for agriculture in Serbia. A video report

Mediafreedom ECPMF

SafeJournalists network, MFRR partners, and Coalition for Media Freedom condemn continuing pressures and attacks on journalists in Serbia
31/5/2024 - The SafeJournalists network, Media Freedom Rapid Response partners, and Coalition for Media Freedom condemn the grow...
Safety and justice: demanding accountability for attacks against journalists in Serbia
11/4/2024 - Media freedom advocates condemn 25 years of impunity for journalist Slavko Ćuruvija’s murder, shot in front of his h...
Serbia: escalating threats and attacks against journalists in Novi Sad
21/3/2024 - OBCT shares media freedom partner organisations' concerns on the the escalation of threats and violence suffered by...
Serbia: number of internet-based threats against journalists on the rise
7/12/2023 - The Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation has published its third report on the state of freedom of expression in Serbia, encom...