Human Rights

Arbër Agalliu and Italians without citizenship

The Italian-Albanian activist Arbër Agalliu has been advocating for more than a decade for a reform of the obsolete Italian citizenship law, which not only makes life impossible for aspiring Italian citizens, but also makes many young people feel like foreigners in their own country. Our interview

European Union

Ljubljana, cutting edge in biotechnological research

A new Slovenian research centre is operational in the capital Ljubljana. It is the Biotechnology Hub of the National Institute of Biology (NIB), created thanks to European funds and inaugurated last February, which seeks to study and provide answers to the environmental challenges that await us


Romania has huge potential for green energy, but politicians don't know what to do with it

After years of Romania being a "paradise" for renewable energy investment, the government in Bucharest has managed to put itself in the ropes


Western Balkans: Europe's future mining colony?

Are the Western Balkans becoming a mine of raw materials needed for the upcoming “green revolution”? Civil society organisations and many citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and North Macedonia answer resolutely: NO! The battle to protect the environment and health continues


Albania: freedom of the press crushed by the weight of politics

Almost non-existent professional ethics, capture of the media by politics and financial unsustainability are just some of the main issues that make the Albanian media landscape particularly alarming. An interview


Arbër Agalliu and Italians without citizenship

The Italian-Albanian activist Arbër Agalliu has been advocating for more than a decade for a reform of the obsolete Italian citizenship law, which not only makes life impossible for aspiring Italian citizens, but also makes many young people feel like foreigners in their own country. Our interview


War crimes: slow justice in Serbia

For the Serbian leadership, the recent adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution on Srebrenica was unnecessary, as the country has already tried those responsible for war crimes. A careful analysis, however, shows a very different reality