The way it is represented in formal education tells a lot about the condition of a people. Even when it is present in textbooks in South Eastern Europe, the history of the Roma is often ignored or represented in a way that perpetuates stereotypes and misconceptions
Romania, the preservation of memory in family recipe books
Still too many Europeans have no toilet at home
Romania and Bulgaria, trains worth improving
Romania, volunteers for the diaspora
Romania has huge potential for green energy, but politicians don't know what to do with it
Dangerous liaisons: the media and gambling in Bulgaria and Romania
Romania, living on the fringe
Valentin and Mirela are a Romanian couple, aged 57 and 52. They live in Podu Văleni, a small village about 40 km from Bucharest. Theirs is one of those almost invisible stories, on the fringes of society. Valentin used to work as a mechanic and custodian, before a second stroke forced him to retire. Mirela suffers from mental problems and, like her partner, from epilepsy. They receive about 1,780 lei each per month (about 350 euro) from the Romanian state, which they use for medicines, electricity and food.
Distribution of diaspora voters in Romania's 2019 presidential elections
From the article "Romania’s 2019 presidential elections: the diaspora at the ballot box" by Giorgio Comai