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Media in Croatia: a cause for alarm

11/05/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Following a five day mission in Zagreb, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe, Nils Muižnieks, provides an account on the situation of media freedom in the country. Interview

The Kosovo media under pressure

06/05/2016 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

Political interference and lack of adequate financial resources keep haunting independent journalism in Kosovo

Ukraine: the fate of displaced persons

05/05/2016 -  Matteo Tacconi Kiev

War in the Ukraine has caused about 1,5 million internally displaced persons. The living conditions of those who have fled the war zone in the east of the country are often very difficult. Report

Exorcism in Moldova

29/04/2016 -  Francesco Brusa

Despite the local ecclesiastical institutions' disapproval, in the Monastery of Saharna, a hundred kilometres from the Moldovan capital Chişinau, mass exorcism rites are taking place

The letter of Aylisli

28/04/2016 -  Akram Aylisli

Azeri writer Akram Aylisli, banned from taking part to a Literary Festival in Italy, writes to President Ilham Aliyev presenting the meaning of his most recent work, Stone Dreams

Chernobyl, a cultural object

26/04/2016 -  Markian Kamysh

An exclusive interview with director Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi on his upcoming film, Luxembourg, and on the branding of Chernobyl

Ukraine, the media after Maidan

20/04/2016 -  Matteo Tacconi Kiev

In the post Maidan Ukraine, there is growing ambition amongst students of journalism and journalists to make information more independent. Report

Mile Kekin: it is time for people to remember

14/04/2016 -  Božidar Stanišić

Songs by poet and musician Mile Kekin, front man of the punk-rock band from Zagreb "Hladno pivo", should be included in textbooks. Not just in Croatia, in all of Europe

Nagorno Karabakh: the hate speech factor

12/04/2016 -  Marilisa Lorusso

In the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, words play a crucial role. Security and confidence building initiatives should include the foundation of a brand new glossary

Šešelj verdict: the dissenting judge

08/04/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Italian judge Flavia Lattanzi, one of three members of the Trial Chamber in the Vojislav Šešelj judgment, explains her opposition to the majority decision

Akram Aylisli’s Dream

07/04/2016 -  Akram Aylisli

A few days ago, the writer Akram Aylisli was due to participate in the Incontri di Civiltà literary festival in Venice. Azerbaijani authorities prevented him from attending. This is the speech he could not read

The past at stake

07/04/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

A conversation with Balkan expert Eric Gordy* on international justice and regional spillovers in the aftermath of the Karadžić and Šešelj verdicts

Akram Aylisli, a writer under restrictions

31/03/2016 -  Simone Zoppellaro

Azerbaijani writer Akram Aylisli was expected to take part to the “Incroci di civiltà” International literature festival today in Venice, but the Baku authorities blocked him at the airport. Our interview

Serbia: control the media with the help of the media

30/03/2016 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrado

Smothering the freedom of the press using intense media campaigns in tabloids and the television against individual journalists has now become the sad reality of news in Serbia

Karadžić, 40 years

29/03/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Genocide, persecution, extermination: Radovan Karadžić was finally found guilty and sentenced, though parts of the ruling disappoint the victims

Ilinca Călugăreanu: the story of Chuck Norris vs. Communism

24/03/2016 -  Nicola Falcinella

Pirate tapes of the most popular American movies circulated in Romania throughout the Eighties, challenging the communist regime. Now, a film tells this story. OBC interviewed the director

Azerbaijan, the Nowruz amnesty

23/03/2016 -  Simone Zoppellaro

In Azerbaijan and in the rest of Europe there was satisfaction for the amnesty that allowed 15 journalists, opposition politicians and human rights activists, to return to freedom. In the Caucasian country, however, there are still too many political prisoners

Remembering Syria in a Jewelry Box

23/03/2016 -  Sana Aljendi

Sana Aljendi is a Syrian migrant, currently living in Turkey. For Sana, today Syria is just a box full of jewelry and memories of Damascus, her home city

The dangerous spread of crimes of solidarity

18/03/2016 -  Nando Sigona

Criminalising volunteers who act in solidarity with migrants and refugees is a way of detering European civic society from getting involved. Further mobilisation is the answer

Brussels and Ankara, the bad deal

17/03/2016 -  Nils Muižnieks Strasbourg

The migration deal between EU and Turkey is illegal and must be changed, says CoE Commissioner for Human Rights. There are other ways to address the migrants crisis, complying with the member States obligations to protect those who flee wars and persecution