All the news

Macedonia: an exit strategy

22/05/2015 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

In the aftermath of the Skopje rallies, internal talks supported by EU and US diplomacy are trying to draft an exit strategy to the crisis

Macedonia, after Kumanovo

19/05/2015 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

Macedonia is trying to deal with the recent armed clashes in the city of Kumanovo. The debate focuses on pan-Albanian nationalism, but the government is also suspected of an attempt to distract the public from its scandals

Dealing with the past through feminism

19/05/2015 -  Caterina BonoraDaniela Lai Sarajevo

The Sarajevo Women's Court and transitional justice in the former Yugoslavia: preliminary reflections

Genealogy: Armenia’s Eurosong

19/05/2015 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

A group of youth coming from the four corners of the world is representing Armenia at the Vienna Eurovision Song Contest. Meet Vahe Tilbian, Armenian of Ethiopia

The Pristina reactions after Kumanovo

15/05/2015 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

The Kosovo authorities are concerned about the participation of their citizens in the conflict in Macedonia, but deny any organized involvement

Silence Of the Lambs, Azerbaijani Style

13/05/2015 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

The European Games in Baku are only a month away, while the list of the country's political prisoners keeps on growing

Good news

12/05/2015 - 

No dismissals, one voluntary resignation, and a cut in hours for journalists. The labour dispute OBC has gone through in the last months ends with one certainty - the great support shown by all of you readers

Sarajevo, the Women's Tribunal

11/05/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

The first Women's Tribunal in Europe took place in Sarajevo between May 7th and 10th. The participants came from all the countries of the former Yugoslavia

Smear campaign against the Serbian Ombudsman

07/05/2015 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Serbian Ombudsman Saša Janković has been under attack for months. A campaign orchestrated by government circles and the media close to them has been trying to denigrate both his function and his person. An analysis

The Jerusalem of Bessarabia

30/04/2015 -  Danilo Elia Chişinău

In Chişinău, a tiny Jewish community tries to save its history from oblivion. Half of the ancient capital of Bessarabia used to be inhabited by Jews. One day, in April 1903, the nightmare of pogroms started. Before the Nazis, even before the Shoah, it was in this forgotten city that the century of hatred began

Catholic Bosnia

30/04/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

The forthcoming visit of Pope Francis to Bosnia Herzegovina prompts comments and analyses on the issue of catholic identity in the Balkan country. Our interview to academic and mediaevalist Dubravko Lovrenović

Centenary of the Armenian genocide, Turkey remains divided

27/04/2015 -  Fazıla Mat Istanbul

Despite significant progress in recent years, Turkey is still struggling with an anniversary that marks a past yet to be overcome

Sarajevo, today

24/04/2015 -  Azra Nuhefendić

Sarajevo is not the city it once was. There are no longer tens of thousands of inhabitants – some have betrayed it, others have left it. But it can't be blamed for this. Slowly it's coming back to life, as if after an earthquake

The new Kosovo Court puzzle

24/04/2015 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

A Special Court should deal with alleged war crimes committed by KLA officials, but analysts in Kosovo are skeptical about its scope

When things do not go as they should

07/04/2015 -  Giorgio Comai

A researcher of ours – now at the University of Dublin – tells about two times when OBC made a difference

Save Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

02/04/2015 - 

Almost 4,000 signatures have been collected in the last few days by the direct plea to President of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Ugo Rossi, in support of the activities of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, threatened by a drastic downsizing

Montenegro, the Swiss bank account of the Marović family

31/03/2015 -  Luka Zanoni

A recent investigation by investigative team OCCRP and NGO MANS revealed a secret Swiss account with $ 3.8 million payable to the wife of Svetozar Marović, one of the leaders of the ruling party. Interview with Vanja Ćalović, director of MANS

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso in danger

27/03/2015 - 

It is final. Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso is undergoing drastic staff cuts. And this happens while international institutions reward OBC with its sixth European project in recent years.

Is there hope for RECOM?

23/03/2015 -  Caterina Bonora Sarajevo

The latest updates on the struggle for a regional commission for investigating the war crimes of the 1990s in the Balkans

Slovenia, full rights for LGBT couples

20/03/2015 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

A process that began in the eighties is about – perhaps – to come to completion 35 years later. Slovenia's new Family Code puts LGBT couples on the same level as heterosexual ones. But the shadow of a possible referendum looms on the new law