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Eulex, the dark side of the moon

10/11/2014 -  Andrea Capussela

The Maria Bamieh revelations on corruption inside the European rule of law mission in Kosovo, although not promptly investigated, appear to lack any real basis. Clearing the mission on a circumscribed scandal, however, will likely reduce the urgency for a much needed audition of its record overall

The EULEX scandal: perplexing revelations, perplexing reactions

07/11/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

The recent allegations on EULEX seem too selective to be of much assistance for an analysis of the European mission’s performance. The whole mission, starting from its judicial functions, should be thoroughly scrutinized

EULEX: the corruption files

06/11/2014 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

The EU is struggling to save the credibility of its Kosovo mission, but is walking on thin ice. Our report

Eulex’s legacy: a response to judge Hargreaves

05/11/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Yesterday we published the opinion of US judge James Hargreaves on EULEX failure. A reply

Quieter than water

05/11/2014 -  Giuliano Geri

Berislav Blagojević (1979) is one of the most brilliant and versatile voices in the new literature from Bosnia­-Herzegovina, and the author of Quieter than water [Tiši od vode, 2013]. Interview

The EULEX Legacy in the Kosovo Courts

04/11/2014 -  James Hargreaves*

Changing laws in a country is often relatively easy; changing the culture in regard to the application of those laws is never easy. To date, EULEX has done nothing to attempt to address this fundamental problem and now it is too late according to the author, a US judge who spent the last year in the mission

Crimea: the concerns of Nils Muižnieks

29/10/2014 -  Danilo Elia

After last September's visit to Crimea, Council of Europe Commissioner for human rights Nils Muižnieks issued a report highlighting several human rights violations, severe intimidations, and attacks against journalists. Our interview

Voices from the VIII SEEMF: Oliver Vujović

29/10/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova Skopje

Journalists should speak up about the problems they face in their work, as there are problems everywhere in Europe. An interview with Oliver Vujović, SEEMO Secretary General

The Skopje Media Forum: Europe calling

24/10/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova Skopje

Croatian journalist Zrinka Vrabec Mojzeš spoke at the Skopje Media Forum about the dangerous relations among politics, media and media owners in the region, and advocated the need for a European-level legislation on media. Interview

The Kosovo progress report: no accountability, no future

22/10/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

The decision to hand over the judicial system to domestic authorities, cutting Eulex’s mandate before its objectives were achieved, will not help Kosovo in the long term. Analysis of the recent EC report

The traditional music of Ulaş Özdemir

21/10/2014 -  Gianluca Grossi

His last piece of work was produced with the Forabandit, a musical ensemble that contaminates traditional Turkish music with the lyrical and musical experience of the Provençal troubadours and Persians rhythms. Interview

Media concentration and media ownership in Bulgaria

17/10/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova Sofia

Media concentration and lack of ownership transparency are a major obstacle to media pluralism and freedom in Bulgaria. According to media law expert Nelly Ognyanova, neither of these obstacles can be removed without political will. Interview

Turkey, Azerbaijan and the Internet Governance Forum

16/10/2014 -  Arzu Geybullayeva Istanbul

Turkey and Azerbaijan share many cultural ties. Now there is something new to add to the Azerbaijani-Turkish friendship. Both countries have now been hosts to the annual multi-stakeholder Internet Governance Forum

Kosovo: the small coup d'état

15/10/2014 -  Lorenzo Andrea Capussela

These days local media claim that Kosovo's president is planning to dissolve the Assembly if the two opposing political sides will not find an agreement on the election of the Assembly president. For Andrea Lorenzo Capussela it would be a small coup d'état

Serbia: media in the storm

09/10/2014 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

The abolition of "Utisak Nedelje", a popular political talk show broadcast on B92 TV and directed by Olja Bećković, caused a true storm among Serbian journalists. But this is not the only programme gone missing from the schedules

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a rich country

09/10/2014 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

After the enlargement stop set by President Juncker, some fear the risk of a Turkish scenario for the Western Balkans, i.e. negotiations that never end. Renzo Daviddi, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, thinks different. Interview

SOS: Dispatches from Azerbaijan

08/10/2014 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

The Caviar diplomacy continues to be successful. The alarm messages arriving form Azerbaijan on systematic violations of human rights in the country are constantly dropping into the void

Romania: tug of war with Enel

06/10/2014 -  Daniela Mogavero

Italian company Enel wants to sell its assets in six Romanian energy distribution companies, but Bucharest announces battle

New commission: more neighbourhood, less enlargement?

03/10/2014 -  Luisa Chiodi

The European Parliament is running the hearings of the members of the new Juncker Commission. Johannes Hahn will be responsible for enlargement and neighbourhood policies. An analysis

Greece, wind power to exit the crisis

30/09/2014 -  Nataša Stuper

Despite the crisis, years of investment have led to the construction of 139 wind farms. Greece's wind is today one of the most attractive energy resources in Europe, and the trend is likely to continue