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Galičnik wedding: guardians of the traditions of Macedonian migrant workers

02/08/2023 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

In North Macedonia many rural areas have been abandoned. To bring life back to the villages, at least in the summer, cultural events are growing, like the "Galičnik wedding", which celebrates 60 years

Armenia and Azerbaijan at Odds Again on Key Highway After EU-Facilitated Talks

01/08/2023 -  Onnik James Krikorian Tbilisi

Despite recent diplomatic meetings Azerbaijan and Armenia are once again in a stalemate over the Lachin corridor, a 5km highway linking Armenia to Nagorno Karabakh. The blockade of this corridor by Azerbaijan is putting the inhabitants of Nagorno Karabakh in difficulty

Croatia, the new media bill is dangerous

27/07/2023 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

“I don't know who wrote this bill, but I suspect that the main intention was to divide the Croatian media, creating havoc in the sector”, said Hrvoje Zovko, the president of the Association of Croatian Journalists (HND). We met him in Zagreb

In Croatia, firefighters brace for climate change

27/07/2023 -  Chiara Marchesini Zagreb

Among the effects of climate change are so-called extreme wildfires. In Croatia, large fires in open spaces present a particular problem. We met with the Croatian Association of Firefighters to find out how they are facing up to new challenges

Azerbaijan, official Baku goes after its well-known economist

26/07/2023 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Gubad Ibadoglu, a well-known economist who has long been disliked by the Azeri government for his political aspirations, was arrested in Baku in recent days. His work focuses on “petro-capitalism”, analysing how oil and gas revenues have fuelled corruption and authoritarianism in post- Soviet states

BiH: Republika Srpska reintroduces the crime of defamation

24/07/2023 -  Arman Fazlić Sarajevo

On Thursday 20 July, the People's Assembly of the Republika Srpska adopted the Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code envisaging criminalization of defamation. Calls from international and local actors to protect freedom of speech and withdraw the controversial provision that qualifies defamation as a criminal offence have gone unheeded

David Pejić, “Best European organic farmer”

24/07/2023 -  Giovanni Vale

David Pejić, born in 1990, won the European Commission award for "Best European organic farmer" last September. David is at the helm of the oldest organic farm in Croatia and his is a very unusual story that crosses agriculture and philosophy

Ukraine should reconsider its male travel ban

21/07/2023 -  Giorgio Comai

It is a violation of human rights, it is unnecessary, it forces unbearable decisions on families, and creates new vulnerabilities. As it renews its martial and mobilization laws in August, Ukraine should reconsider its male travel ban

Cohesion Policy, more jobs and growth in 2021-27

21/07/2023 -  Gentiola Madhi

In early May, the Commission published a working document on the potential impact of cohesion funds in member states during the current financial seven-year period. What are the economic prospects for the countries of South-East Europe?

Progress and Challenges: Armenian and Azerbaijani Leaders Meet in EU-facilitated Talks in Brussels

19/07/2023 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Another meeting took place on saturday 15 july among Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, facilitated by European Council President Charles Michel

Croatia, Fearless project: demining completed

19/07/2023 -  Nicole Corritore

Croatia's strategic goal is to clear the country of landmines by 2026, as foreseen in the National Demining Programme. A third of the remaining contaminated territory will be reclaimed thanks to European cohesion funds

Balkans: the alternative to coal includes energy communities

17/07/2023 -  Ornaldo Gjergji

In the Balkans, a region where energy is produced from fossil fuels or – when from renewable sources – from hydroelectric energy, energy communities are gaining ground: groups of citizens and small businesses that focus on self-production and self-consumption of renewable energy

Lubenice: starting back from a museum

12/07/2023 -  Nicole Corritore

In Lubenice, a tiny village in the heart of the island of Cres, there is a museum devoted to sheep farming. Symbol of a territory that, telling about itself, wants to reinterpret and continue in its traditions. We met Marijana Dlačić, its president

Femicides: the undeclared war on women in Europe

12/07/2023 -  Janine LouloudiNikos MorfoniosKostas ZafeiropoulosThanasis Troboukis

An unprecedented cross-border investigation, conducted by EDJNet with the participation of 19 newsrooms across Europe, attempts to shed light on femicides and rising violence against women at the time of the pandemic, as well as on the staggering shortage of up-to-date data on these phenomena

Femicide in Serbia: Crime and Lesser Punishments

10/07/2023 -  Teodora ĆurčićJovana Tomić

Over the past ten years, more than 300 femicides have occurred in Serbia. The families of the murdered persons look for justice in court, but CINS’s investigation reveals that they often do not find it there.

Meeting between Armenia and Azerbaijan: little progress for Nagorno Karabakh

05/07/2023 -  Onnik James Krikorian

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Armenia and Azerbaijan made further progress towards a peace deal in the three-day US-hosted talks in late June, yet tensions persist in the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh

Croatia shows how to deal with the worst wildfires

05/07/2023 -  Chiara Marchesini Zagreb

Last year Croatia’s coastal region was hit by an intense wave of forest fires, one of the worst in recent years. But the country has been gearing up to cope – partly thanks to EU funding.

ECHR: Romania has violated LGBT+ rights

03/07/2023 -  Mihaela Iordache

Following a complaint by 21 couples, the European Court of Human Rights is asking Romania to legally recognise same-sex families. For civil society this is a historic sentence

Italy-Slovenia: the joyful construction of GO!2025

28/06/2023 -  Paola Rosà

In less than two years, Gorizia and Nova Gorica will be together the European Capital of Culture. We met Gorazd Božič, director of GO!2025

Cres: Irena, Guerino, and San Martino medicinal herbs

28/06/2023 -  Davide Sighele

In San Martino in Valle, on the island of Cres, the distillation of medicinal herbs boasts a centuries-old tradition. Today, it is kept alive by Irena and her husband Guerino