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In the name of the holy pipeline

23/01/2009 -  Leila Alieva* Baku

In Azerbaijan the government has proposed a referendum to lift the two-term presidential restriction and introduce other changes that would undermine fundamental tenants of the country's Constitution. A ban on foreign broadcasting and the conviction of prominent journalists consolidate state control over media and free flow of information

Balkan Reflections

22/01/2009 -  Tomas Miglierina Bruxelles

On 8 February 2009, Switzerland will decide by referendum whether or not to approve an agreement with the European Union which would extend to Bulgaria and Romania the right of free movement of persons through its territory. For the two Balkan countries, the vote, especially if negative, will test the strength of European solidarity

The Museum of Freedom

21/01/2009 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

In Albanian communities accross Macedonia, it is easy to find monuments dedicated to the National Liberation Army. But the opening of a new museum dedicated to the NLA in Skopje stirred much controversy

Greetings from Guantanamo

20/01/2009 -  Andrea Rossini

With Obama's first days in the White House comes hope for a new direction in human rights protection after the Bush era. The case of the "Six Algerians" kidnapped in Sarajevo in 2002 and held in Guantanamo for 7 years. A comment by former UN High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina Wolfgang Petritsch

Grozny Dreaming

16/01/2009 -  Roberta Bertoldi

A multiethnic orchestra with artists from different parts of the Caucasus; their dreams of performing in the tormented region and of demonstrating the possibility of peaceful coexistence. Our interview.

Noz, Zica, Srebrenica

15/01/2009 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

When Facebook caught on to a Serb ultra-nationalists forum called "Noz, zica, Srebrenica", or "Knife, Wire, Srebrenica", using the social networking site to glorify one of the bloodiest massacres in Europe since World War II and promote hatred against Muslims, it was promptly shut down. But on the Internet, where does the hate speech end?

2008 - Another Year of Conflict

13/01/2009 -  Giorgio Comai

A recently published report from Russian-language news web site, Kavkazskij Uzel, or Caucasian Knot, has summarized in numbers and statistics last year's conflict in the North Caucasus. Review and commentary by Osservatorio Caucaso.

TRT shesh

13/01/2009 -  Fazıla Mat

Turkey has launched a public TV channel in Kurdish - TRT 6. The law prohibiting the use of Kurdish for political purposes remains in force. The reactions to Erdoğan's "opening," the views of Kurdish politicians and intellectuals, and commentary from Leyla Zana

Treasure Hunting

08/01/2009 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

In Macedonia, economic crisis has spurred a new trend: treasure hunters are increasingly scouring the furthest reaches of the country in pursuit of Ottoman gold, Roman antiquities and other treasures. Whether basing their searches on actual history or dubious legend, hunters are going to great lengths to cash in on the proverbial jackpot...often illegally.

The Big Bad Wolf

30/12/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

As the paths of wolves increasingly overlap with those of humans, creating tension for shepherds, farmers and drivers, Macedonia has once again legalized killing of the animals after a year-long ban on wolf hunting

Heavy oil

29/12/2008 -  Leila Alieva* Baku

Oil and Politics in Azerbaijani history. The ambiguous effects of oil-related income in the modernization of the country and in the strengthening of an autocracy close to the West but hostile to freedom of expression

'Grosse Koalition' the Romanian Way

23/12/2008 -  Mihaela Iordache

Romania has a new government based on an agreement between the social democrats and the liberal democrats, and led by the latter's president, Emil Boc. Despite the new government's large majority, it has already been exposed to a storm of media criticism as it considers hard choices in confronting the economic crisis

Slovenia's Hard Line

22/12/2008 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

Slovenia quietly blocked Croatia's accession into the European Union (EU), because of a few kilometres of disputed land and maritime border in the Piran bay. The relations between the two countries are tenser than ever before. The EU headquarters is trying not to take sides

Minors on Trial

18/12/2008 -  Fazıla Mat

They risk imprisonment of 23 to 58 years. They are minors and Kurds. They are awaiting trial for their participation in the protests against the Turkish government last October. The debate concerns minors involved in political protests and violations of the rights of children by police and the judiciary

Dial M for Multiculturalism

18/12/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The government of Skopje is trying hard to pay respect to diversity. Some analysts argue that, despite a difficult start, Macedonia remains the only viable example of successful ethnic co-existence in the Balkans. This may also be an exaggerated statement, but it is worth thinking about it

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Death of a Deminer

12/12/2008 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Demining in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) thirteen years after the end of the war. Over 200.000 mines still on the ground. The issue of the Prom-1. Our investigation of the contracts and sub-contracts; the work by piece in the minefields

Yes, We Cem

04/12/2008 -  Fazıla Mat

For the first time in German history, an ethnic Turkish son of a gastarbeiter migrant worker, will lead a political party. Cem Özdemir, 42 years old and a former MP in the German Bundestag, is the new German Obama. With 80% of the party convention vote in his favour, he will lead the German Greens together with Claudia Roth

Two Stories from Dagestan

04/12/2008 -  Giorgio Comai

Assassinations and violence in the Russian republics of Ingushetia and Dagestan are on the rise. Victims also include two journalists who opposed corrupt politicians and militant Islamic radicals. These are their stories.

Dealing with the Past and Reconciliation with the Balkans

02/12/2008 -  Luisa ChiodiFrancesca Vanoni

Reconciliation and re-analysis in Southeastern Europe and with Southeastern Europe. Luisa Chiodi's speech at the conference "Dealing with the Past and Reconciliation Processes in the Western Balkans", Vienna 10-11 November

Storm in a Teacup

28/11/2008 -  Drago Hedl Osijek

The diplomatic battle which started after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accepted jurisdiction in the charge of genocide raised by Zagreb against Belgrade, has abated. According to many Croatian analysts, it would have been better had the court not accepted the task