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In the Heart of Europe

24/09/2008 -  Davide Sighele

It is the daily of the Slovene minority in Italy. For years, it has been the paper "of the border". Now it is in the heart of new Europe and it covers a rapidly changing world. Its story is told by one of its reporters. An interview with Breda Pahor

The End of an Era

11/09/2008 -  Danijela Nenadić Belgrado

The Serbian Radical party is splitting over a Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union. Defeated by the party's more extreme faction, Nikolic, who served as leader after Seselj's arrest, leaves and plans the creation of a new party. A crisis, which has brewed for months, finally explodes

Barriers, Borders, Bridges

11/09/2008 -  Davide Sighele

Melita Richter is a sociologist and cultural mediator. Over the last years, she has implemented many projects related to the border between Italy and the Balkans. Their participants have been high school boys and girls. Our interview

A Thawing Game

09/09/2008 -  Roberta Bertoldi Erevan

A warm wind blows on Hrazdan stadium in Yerevan. While the two teams on the field play a qualifications match for the World Cup, the presidents of Turkey and Armenia shake each other's hand.

Going Through the Trash

08/09/2008 -  Roberta Bertoldi

They sing in Friulian, Slovene, Italian, and Spanish. And, they want to recover what others throw away. We met with Mauro "Puntar" Punteri, singer of the Gorizian band Kosovni Odpadki

Mother Theresa of Skopje

04/09/2008 -  Risto Karajkov

Mother Theresa, one of the icons of the 20th century, was born in Skopje. Her place of birth commemorates her with a special award for humanitarian engagement and a Memorial House in the centre of the capital of Macedonia

A Question to the Court

25/08/2008 -  Danijela Nenadić Belgrado

Is Kosovo's independence in accord with international law? This is the question that, subject to prior approval by the UN General Assembly, Serbia decided to address to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the supreme judicial body of the United Nations

The Guardian

22/08/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Stamen Filipov, often referred to as the " legal terminator", is an elderly man living in Skopje, Macedonia. He has chosen an unusual hobby for his quiet days of retirement: he guards the constitution

Beyond the Divided City (III)

20/08/2008 -  Gian Matteo Apuzzo

''For us, the entry into the Schengen area was the real entry into the European Union''. The mayor of Nova Gorica talks about the border region where the border is no more. An interview

Macedonian Refugee Children: Exodus Anniversary

12/08/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the exodus of the "refugee children" from Aegean Macedonia (Northern Greece). They fled their homes amidst a civil war and when they became adults, could not return to their homes nor claim their land. For the first time ever, the Macedonian government endorsed their demands

Serbian-Albanian Honeymoon

29/07/2008 -  Marjola Rukaj

'Honeymoon' will be the first Serbian-Albanian film co-production using the internationally famous Serbian director, Goran Paskaljevic, and the promising Albanian screenwriter and producer, Genc Permeti. An excellent contribution to the cultural cooperation between the two countries

My Personal Karadžić

28/07/2008 -  Zlatko Dizdarević

The lives of those he buried do not count. Justice does not count. Soldier Radovan Karadzic was sacrificed for the greater interest of Serbia and Europe. Now he can retire. Between the excitement and the bitterness of a sleepless night, Zlatko Dizdarevic remembers his encounters with the detainee

Democracy in Macedonia: The Crying Game

25/07/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On 17 July Mr. Zaev, vice president of the Macedonian social democrats (SDSM) was brought to the Court in Skopje, charged with abuse of office. SDSM and VMRO exchanged accusations: SDSM accused VMRO of dictatorship, VMRO in turn accused SDSM of interfering with the work of judiciary

The Day After

23/07/2008 -  Andrea Rossini Sarajevo

The arrest of Karadzic and the moderate reaction in Sarajevo. Times of justice and astonishment over the transformation of Dr. Dabic. The war, after-war, and Dayton Bosnia. Our comment

Boskovski Walks Free

23/07/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On July 10, after a year in session, the ICTY at The Hague pronounced its verdict in the case of the two indictees from Macedonia. Former Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski was acquitted. Police commander Jovan Tarculovski was sentenced to 12 years

They Arrested Karadžić

22/07/2008 -  Luka Zanoni

The wind of change which arrived in Serbia made possible the arrest of Karadzic. The reactions in the country and the new European perspective for Belgrade. Our comment

Hot Autumn in Croatia

16/07/2008 -  Drago Hedl Osijek

Rising prices and galloping inflation. The expensive life is squeezing Croats as in a clamp. Over a third of an average family's monthly income goes for food. Discontent is growing and might explode in the streets this autumn

Political Reconciliation

15/07/2008 -  Danijela Nenadić Belgrado

After the May election and the forming of the new government, thanks to the coalition between the Democratic Party (DS) and the Socialists (SPS), there have been great changes in Serbian politics. The biggest change concerns the political reconciliation of once antagonistic parties

Macedonia Gets New Government

09/07/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The protracted negotiations for forming the new government in Macedonia were finally brought to an end on the first weekend in July. The VMRO party decided to form a coalition with the Democratic Union for Integration. The big question now is, "Will this arranged marriage work?"

UN Report: Balkans Safer Than Thought

02/07/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The Balkans is safer than thought. This is the basic message from a recently published reportby the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The report made global headlines as some of its arguments run counter to common wisdom - that the Balkans is a gloomy and risky place.