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More and more school trips to the Balkans

15/04/2020 -  Marco Abram

Are the histories of the former Yugoslavia and Albania finally entering Europe’s space of memory? A constantly increasing number of Italian school trips to the region gives us reason to hope so

Kosovo, fake news and politics

10/04/2020 -  Arta Berisha Pristina

An unsigned and suspicious article, featured on the website of the Kosovar public broadcaster in the middle of the last election campaign, resparked the debate in Pristina on the use of false news as a tool for propaganda and political struggle

Greece and COVID-19, in prisons isolation is not enough

09/04/2020 -  Elvira Krithari Atene

Greece's overcrowded prison system provides poor protection for prisoners against the coronavirus epidemic. At the moment, there are no cases reported in prisons, but late intervention is likely to prove useless and harmful

Serbia, coronavirus, and autocracy

08/04/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

The Covid-19 pandemic is likely to be used by the Serbian authorities to violate the Constitution, break laws, and even formally attempt to introduce censorship – all this by manipulating citizens' fears

Saša Ilić, deconstructing institutions

07/04/2020 -  Francesca Rolandi Belgrade

Writer and journalist Saša Ilić was awarded the prestigious NIN literary prize for best novel of the year in 2019. We interviewed him and talked about psychiatry, Yugoslavia, the Divine Comedy, and refugees

Timber mafia and deforestation in Romania

06/04/2020 -  Christoph Lehermayr - Sebastian Reinhart - Johannes Kaiser

Virgin forests in Central-Eastern Europe are the last remaining ones on the continent, yet they are being mercilessly torn down. Part of this multi-billion euro industry is a mafia-like system; Austrian timber companies are right at the heart of it

Branko Čečen: let us do our job

03/04/2020 -  Branko Čečen Belgrade

A comment by the director of Serbia's Center for Investigative Journalism after the Serbian government recently introduced a measure that restricts freedom of information during a state of emergency. A ruling that the Serbian Prime Minister declared will be withdrawn

Coronavirus: Armenia's response to COVID-19

01/04/2020 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

An overview of how Armenia is responding to the coronavirus emergency: from the experience of those in quarantine to the measures taken by the government

Journalism in times of COVID19: an update from Turkey

31/03/2020 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Turkey persists in detaining and arresting new journalists. Calls by human rights organisations for the release of journalists and activists are multiplying

Europe and the colonial past: the memory that is missing

27/03/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Although it was a specifically European phenomenon, colonialism continues to be remembered almost only at national level. A resolution by the European Parliament could now help bring it into the European space of ​​memory

Bulgaria, if coronavirus tests freedom of expression

25/03/2020 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Fines and prison for spreading "false news" about coronavirus, police access to sensitive phone and web traffic data: some norms of the COVID-19 "emergency package" by the Bulgarian government have stirred a debate on freedom and rights in the pandemic

COVID-19: dealing with gaps in the data

25/03/2020 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Since the data available on the coronavirus pandemic is patchy and incomplete, it needs to be approached with caution and an awareness of what it can – and cannot – tell us about the deadly virus

Greece, coronavirus and new winds of crisis

24/03/2020 -  Elvira Krithari Athens

As the coronavirus epidemic came, Greece was initially distracted by other issues. Now, however, everything is blocked, and the country is dealing with a crippled healthcare system and a new economic crisis on the horizon

COVID-19, Aliyev spreads the message

23/03/2020 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

While leaders across the globe encourage people to stay calm and be diligent with the measures put in place to combat the global pandemic, in Azerbaijan the spread of the global virus is used as an opportunity to threaten independent voices and political foes

Coronavirus, Albania is in quarantine too

20/03/2020 -  Tsai Mali

After the first two cases confirmed on March 8th, the Albanian authorities have implemented an escalation of restrictive measures to contain the spread of an infection that risks causing the national health system to collapse. After last November's violent earthquake, the country cannot afford another crisis

North Macedonia, coronavirus stops elections

19/03/2020 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

The coronavirus epidemic has led the Macedonian authorities to postpone the early elections scheduled for April 12th to a later date. Now the priority is citizens' health

The Specialist Chambers’ hybrid nature as a promising solution for transitional justice in Kosovo

18/03/2020 -  Meris MušanovićArolda Elbasani

Overcoming partiality and risk of intimidation on the one hand, and lack of ownership on the other: the Special Court in Kosovo tries to give a new impetus to transitional justice with a "hybrid" approach, which involves both the national and the international dimension

Greece’s deadly rail tracks

12/03/2020 -  Ilias StathatosNikos Morfonios

Greece takes the bloody lead in terms of deaths and injuries in rail accidents in the EU, with about 25 victims per year. Problems are mainly caused by unsafe level crossings, poor infrastructure and traffic management systems, and understaffed companies

Bulgaria, waiting for the coronavirus "stress test"

11/03/2020 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

The Borisov government reacts mildly as the first cases are being reported in Bulgaria. Strong concerns about the Bulgarian healthcare system's ability to withstand the impact of Covid-19, especially if the situation deteriorates quickly

Of the invisible and the disappeared. Notes from the Turkish-Greek border

09/03/2020 -  Deniz Şenol SertIlhan Zeynep Karakılıç

Two Turkish sociologists and journalists went to see with their own eyes what is happening on the border between Turkey and Greece. An intense reportage