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Elections and public agenda: a story of a media synergy

02/07/2019 -  Fazıla Mat

Social platforms and traditional media have equal weight in determining the public and electoral agenda, often acting in synergy manner. Sara Bentivegna, Professor of Communication Theories and Digital Media and Political Communication at the Sapienza University of Rome, explains

Serbia: the opposition seen as an enemy

01/07/2019 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Opposition protests against Vučić's government continue in Serbia. But the manipulations, mainstream media's propaganda, and the government's hate speech are likely to lead to violence

North Macedonia, Skopje's first Pride

28/06/2019 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

Tomorrow Skopje is holding its first Pride, with the support of important institutional representatives. A step forward for the rights of the Northern Macedonia's LGTBI community, in a historically difficult context

Rivers, stones and legends: Walking the ancient paths between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro

25/06/2019 -  Francesco Martino Trebinje

Suspended between the Adriatic and the Dinaric Alps, the lands on the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro hide an amazing historical, cultural, and landscape heritage, which is still little known and just waiting to be discovered

Dejan Jović, an alarm call for Croatian society

24/06/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

What is the situation of the Serbian minority in Croatia? We talked about it with Dejan Jović, university professor and recent candidate in the European elections

Ekrem İmamoğlu, a young politician challenging Erdoğan

20/06/2019 -  Burcu Karakaş Istanbul

Little known till the beginning of the electoral campaign, opposition candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu (CHP) triumphed at the Istanbul municipal elections last March, later cancelled. A portrait of the young politician on the eve of the rerun, scheduled for June 23rd

Yemen, an European war

20/06/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić Zagreb

By providing weapons to parties in conflict in Yemen, Europeans have a responsibility in the war that has claimed more than 10,000 lives in four years. Being one of the main European exporters of arms, Croatia shares this reponsibility

Marina Abramović, or "l'art c’est moi"

18/06/2019 -  Božidar Stanišić

In this ironic, peculiar account, writer Božidar Stanišić is asked about world-renowned performer Marina Abramović – and wants you to know he has no clue why

Montenegro: the swamp of politics

13/06/2019 -  Milena Perović Korać Podgorica

Montenegro remains plagued by major issues of crime and corruption, which directly involve the ruling elite. An interview with Dejan Milovac, deputy director of the MANS NGO

Western Balkans, struggling to meet EU criteria

12/06/2019 -  Gentiola Madhi

At the end of May, the European Commission published its traditional progress reports on the enlargement process. Even for countries where timid steps forward have been reported, the enlargement progress remains a hostage of some EU members

Ukraine: the new language law, Porošenko's last act

05/06/2019 -  Martina Napolitano

Before leaving the presidential chair to the newly elected Volodymyr Zelensky, Petro Porošenko signed a new language law – one that puts minority rights under strong pressure

Organic farming in Albania, a (still) unfullfilled potential

03/06/2019 -  Francesco Martino

Albania has the potential to successfully develop organic farming, but the sector needs structural and sustainable interventions. We talked about it with Professor Enver Isufi, director of the Institute for Organic Agriculture in Durrës

European elections in Bulgaria: Borisov wins, abstention at record level

31/05/2019 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Characterized by record high level of abstention, the European elections in Bulgaria marked a new success for the prime minister Borisov, who won despite scandals and unfavorable poll predictions

Student protest in Dagestan approaches third week

30/05/2019 -  OC Media

Professors dismissed without warning, bribes paid to see the contracts reconfirmed... The State University of Dagestan is certainly not in good health. But now, with great courage, some students are trying to make a change

Croatia, surviving tourism

29/05/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Always regarded as an important economic resource, today mass tourism risks creating serious imbalances in Croatia. To address them, someone started thinking to "Proceed with care"

European elections in Croatia: surprising results

28/05/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

No easy victory for the ruling HDZ in the European elections. With the voter turnout of 29%, the HDZ didn’t get enough votes to beat its historical rival, the Social Democratic Party: both parties won four seats. The biggest surprise is a judge Kolakušić, who won one seat

What do we talk about when we talk about Europe?

23/05/2019 -  Gresa Hasa

Gresa Hasa, an Albanian activist of the Lëvizja Për Universitetin movement, explains why she feels European. Europe is, in her opinion, a moral concept rather than a geographical one

European elections in Bulgaria, under the sign of corruption

22/05/2019 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

A series of scandals has shaken Bulgaria on the eve of the next European elections, threatening to affect the results and overshadow the debate on the major issues of the Union's future

What’s going on with abstention in Europe?

22/05/2019 -  Lorenzo FerrariJacopo Ottaviani

In the 2014 European elections, only 42.5 percent of people eligible to vote participated. From the economy to migration, by way of defence and climate change, European questions are now central to the public debate however

Romanian and Bulgarian MEPs among the most influential

21/05/2019 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

MEPs representing Romania and Bulgaria have much more clout than those representing many other countries, including Italy and France. This is demonstrated by an indicator developed by VoteWatch Europe