Armenia - Articoli

Armenia: The water man

13/10/2017 -  Armine Avetisyan

In Armenia’s capital Yerevan, drinking fountains can be found on almost every street corner. But in the neighbouring Armavir Province to the west, water quality is so low that villages rely on private delivery lorries, bringing clean water to the villages each morning

Switching Off Media’s Diversity In Armenia

25/08/2017 -  Hermine Virabian

By restricting licenses for digital broadcasting, the Armenian government has ended up constraining media pluralism in the country. An overview of the situation

Living with a disability in Armenia

21/08/2017 -  Lilit Arakelyan

In Armenia there are women who despite the blows of fate, despite deprivation and despair, were able to withstand their difficulties and move forward. Below is Vardine Grigoryan’s story

Sustainable tourism in Armenia

20/03/2017 -  Marilisa Lorusso

While the United Nations designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Armenia is struggling to manage and make the best out of the potential of this sector

Armenia: Let's hope it's (not) a girl

04/01/2017 -  Emanuele Cassano

Armenia is the second country in the world for the rate of selective abortions because of an obsessive desire for male children

The South Caucasus at Rio Olympic Games

02/08/2016 -  Natalia Kawana

Things seem to be going well for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia at the 2016 Summer Olympics – scheduled to start on 5 August, in Rio de Janeiro. At least when it comes to the overall numbers of participating athletes

Alternative Child Protection Services and Deinstitutionalisation in Armenia

22/07/2016 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

With over 2,500 institutionalised children, Armenia needs to promote alternative care mechanisms. The Child Protection Network advocates for de-institutionalisation

Restless Armenia: before and beyond Electric Yerevan

22/10/2015 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

Armenian citizens continue to show great vitality, now directed against constitutional reform projects. The story behind the "VOCH" protest movement

Lost birds

14/08/2015 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

The first movie produced in Turkey on the Armenian genocide has been directed by Ela Alyamac e Aren Perdeci. Our interview

#ElectricYerevan: journalists targeted

29/06/2015 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

A rally in the Armenian capital against yet another electricity price increase triggers the police. Beatings, insults, and even violence against journalists

Genealogy: Armenia’s Eurosong

19/05/2015 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

A group of youth coming from the four corners of the world is representing Armenia at the Vienna Eurovision Song Contest. Meet Vahe Tilbian, Armenian of Ethiopia

Human rights in Armenia: the Muižnieks report

18/03/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini

Nils Muižnieks, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, made public on 10 March his report on the state of human rights in Armenia. Our interview

Turkey and Armenia: the threads of diplomacy

09/09/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

Relations between Ankara and Yerevan have recently taken small steps towards a reconciliation all too long waited for. Yet, signals are still mixed, and the wound of genocide is still open

An August escalation in Nagorno Karabakh

14/08/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

Recent clashes on the separation line between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno Karabakh have left some 20 victims and fears for a new open conflict in Europe. Local associations sign a call for peace

New Julfa, the Armenian quarter of Isfahan

07/08/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Isfahan

In the Iranian town of Isfahan, in the ancient district of New Julfa, lives an Armenian community. From the Ararat supermarket to the Ani cafe, everything here is reminiscent of the deep link of the Armenians to their homeland

Israel and the Armenian Genocide

27/06/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

Next year the centennial of the Armenian genocide will be remembered. In the international debate on recognition, a special position is that of Israel

Yerevan: the Mikoyan monument

28/05/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

The decision to build a monument to the memory of Anastas Mikoyan, Armenian leader in the former USSR, has sparked a controversy on the soviet legacy and on Russian-Armenian relations

Armenians of Kessab: Hostages of the Civil War

24/04/2014 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

The small Armenian-populated town Kessab in north-western Syria found itself in the middle of a battle since the end of March. 99 Years after the Genocide the Plight of Syria’s Armenians Stirs Memories of 1915

Is an Armenian “Maidan” possible?

03/03/2014 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

The Armenian political elite and the general public are divided on the account of the Kiev events. The main question, however, is whether the Ukrainian revolution may spill out to Armenia

Yerevan - Ankara, the big chill

05/02/2014 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

Seven years after Hrant Dink’s tragic death in Istanbul, his dream of an Armenian-Turkish reconciliation seems as distant as ever

Children of the South Caucasus

24/01/2014 -  Onnik Krikorian Tbilisi

Georgia's deinstitutionalisation policy has proved successful in addressing the needs of children deprived of parental care, but some concerns remain. In neighbouring Armenia and Azerbaijan, thousands of kids are still living in Soviet-era institutions

A swinging Russian mood in Yerevan

10/12/2013 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

“To the barricades!”: protests in the Armenian capital against the visit of the Russian President as Armenians are divided over joining the Customs Union with Moscow

A journey to Armenia

14/11/2013 - 

In the spring of 1930, the Russian poet Osip Mandel'štam set out on a long journey with his wife Nadežda in the Caucasus, the last one before being comdemned to confinement and later death in a Siberian concentration camp. The travel of the two writers, their life and poetry, are the subject of Osservatorio's new documentary project . The multimedia

Between Moscow and Brussels: Armenia’s foreign policy dilemma

26/09/2013 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

A Customs Union with Russia, Belorus and Kazakhstan turns Yerevan away from signing an Association Agreement with Brussels. While the Armenian public opinion is divided, civil society activists have been intimdated

Armenian homophobia

14/08/2013 -  Onnik Krikorian Yerevan

Proposed anti-gay propaganda legislation raises human rights concerns in Armenia, where violence against sexual minorities is supported by representatives of the institutions

Karabakh, statements and arms deals

19/07/2013 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

A statement on Karabakh by the presidents of the mediator-countries hardly contained anything unexpected. But a 1 bln dollars arms deal between Russia and Azerbaijan was cause for concern in Yerevan

The battle for Yerevan

02/05/2013 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

Tensions remain high in Armenia following clashes during the presidential inauguration of April 9. The opposition hopes are for a turning point at the May 5 municipal elections in Yerevan, home to one third of the country's population

Social Media in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict

17/04/2013 -  Onnik Krikorian

Social media have become one of the few places where young people from Armenia and Azerbaijan can meet. Yet, not without risks

Pope Francis I: a view from Armenia

09/04/2013 -  Mikayel Zolyan Yerevan

Armenians have followed closely the election of the new Pope, debating its possible consequences in the process of international recognition of the Genocide. In social networks, however, the event became an opportunity to discuss the role of the Church in modern society

Journey to Soviet Armenia, port stop in war-torn Naples

14/03/2013 -  Hazel Antaramian Hofman

A group of 162 American-Armenians on a journey form New York towards Armenia in 1949 stops in the port of war-torn Naples. Women and men who soon afterwards would be living in Stalin's USSR are astonished by the misery they see in post war Italy