"Defending journalists in danger: solidarity, support and protection". This was the title and the topic of the conference that the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF ) – a consortium of which OBC Transeuropa is a founding member – organised in Leipzig on October 5th. An opportunity for international dialogue on a wide-ranging topic such as freedom of expression in the Internet age.
What are the most recurrent terms in the EU Commission’s president annual speech at the European Parliament saying about our times? We had a closer look at the patterns. A collaborative story by the European Data Journalism Network
The European Commission's proposal to create a European Pillar of Social Rights is a step towards an integrated and coherent framework on social rights at the European level. This will also provide member states with a frame of reference for developing their own individual policies
Increasing tensions between the interest of media and politics pose a serious threat for European democracy. An editorial by Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, President of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
Half of the EU member-states have not yet ratified the Convention on violence against women. The European Parliament and the Commission have decided that the EU as such should adhere to the Convention, which could signal a breakthrough for a genuine European policy against violence
In Oct 2017, the European Data Journalism Network – EDJNet will start producing, sharing and publishing data-driven content on European affairs across Europe and beyond
Cleaners, care-givers, baby-sitters: 9 out of 10 are women, often exploited. MEP Konstantina Kuneva, who was personally attacked for her activism, now fights for female workers' rights in Europe
A museum that seeks to project a transnational vision of European history. An ambitious project that has not escaped controversy and criticism. An interview with director Taja Vovk van Gaal