Come accelerare l'adesione di Serbia e Montenegro al Consiglio d'Europa ed all'Unione Europea?

22/11/2001 -  Anonymous User

Saranno questi i temi trattati in un convegno organizzato a Belgrado nel prossimo fine settimana tra il 22 ed il 24 novembre. Organizzatori l'Istituto per gli Studi Europei di Belgrado e la Fondazione Konrad Adenauer, sempre di Belgrado. Le giornate saranno densissime di interventi. Tra gli altri ad esempio anche Vojislav Kostunica, Presidente della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, Francois Friedrich, a capo dell'ufficio di Belgrado del Consiglio d'Europa e Joachim Schmidt, ambasciatore della Repubblica Federale Tedesca.
Sarà l'occasione per confrontarsi con temi scottanti che la nuova classe dirigente jugoslava si trova ad affrontare dopo la caduta di Milosevic e la rottura dell'isolamento internazionale. Si partirà con alcune considerazioni su questi ultimi dieci anni di transizioni e tragedie, per poi affrontare tematiche legate all'allargamento europeo, alle riforme economiche e politiche in vista di un'integrazione con gli altri paesi europei e soprattutto si discuterà di come riuscire a stabilizzare e radicare questa giovane democrazia.

Qui di seguito il programma:



Eduardo Frei Foundation, Kingdom of the NetherlandsKristdemokraterna,
The Council for Democracy and Development of the Swedish Christian Democrats

November 22nd - 24th, 2001, Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia
Sava centar conference hall


Opening of the Conference (Thursday, 22 November)
(18.30 - 20.00)
-Dr. Vojislav Kostunica, President, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
-Mr. Francois Friederich, Head of Belgrade Office, Council of Europe
-H.E. Mr. Joachim Schmidt, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the FRY
-Dr. Gregor Ryssel, Director, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Belgrade
-Dr. Djuro Kovacevic, Director, Institute for European Studies, Belgrade

(20.00-22.00) Reception (le Club, Hotel Intercontinental, 1st floor)

First session (Friday morning, 23 November)
(9.00 - 13:15) Moderator: Dr. Slobodan Samardzic

(9.00-9.45) Ten years of transition: experiences and lessons
-Dr. Vladimir Gligorov, Institute for International Economic Studies, Vienna, Austria
(Transition Lessons for Latecomers)
-Dr. Daniel Daianu, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
(South East European Transition A Decade Later)
-Dr. Jan Zielonka, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
(Lessons of Transition within a European Context)
(9.45-10.15) Discussion

(10.15-11.00) EU reforms and enlargement: dilemmas and controversies
-Mr. Leopold Maurer, Head of Unit, DG Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels
(EU Reforms and Enlargement: Dilemmas and Controversies)
-Dr. Jovan Teokarevic, IES Fellow
(Western Balkans and EU Enlargement)
-Dr. Roberto Toniatti, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, Italy
(EU Governance and EU Regional Policy)
(11.00-11.30) Discussion

(11.30-12.00) Coffee break
(12.00-12.45) Transition - EU accession - globalization
-Mr. Armin Laschet, Committee of Foreign Affairs, European Parliament
(European Integration and Enlargement - an Answer to Globalization)
-Mr. Laza Kekic, Economist Intelligence Unit, London, UK
(Foreign Investment - Transition - EU Accession)
-Dr. Radmila Nakarada, IES Fellow
(Globalization and Transition)

(12.45-13.15) Discussion
(13.15-15.00) Lunch

Second session (Friday afternoon, 23 November)
(15.00-19.30) Moderator: Dr. Radmila Nakarada

(15.00-15.30) Economic reforms: institutional and policy choices
-Dr. Boris Begovic, Main Adviser to the Federal Deputy Prime Minister, FRY Government
(Economic Reforms: State of Affairs)
-Dr. Miroslav Prokopijevic, IES Fellow
(Reforms in Serbia: Bad Choices, Poor Results)
(15.30-16.00) Discussion

(16.00-16.45) Political reforms: constitutional changes and stabilization of democracy
-Dr. Slobodan Samardzic, IES Fellow, Political Advisor to the FRY President
(Political Reforms: State of Affairs)
-Mr. Kristof Bender, European Stability Initiative, Vienna, Austria
(Serbian-Montenegrin Relations and European Integration)
-Dr. Lidija Basta Fleiner, Director, International Research and Consulting Centre of the Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
(The Challenges of the Constitutional Reforms)
(16.45-17.15) Discussion

(17.15-17.45) Coffee break
(17.45-19.00) Legal reforms: towards the membership in the Council of Europe and the European Union
-Mr. Francois Friedrich, Head of Belgrade Office, Council of Europe
(Forthcoming Membership in the Council of Europe)
-Dr. Zorica Radovic, IES Fellow
(Legal Requirements for the Membership in the Council of Europe)
-Dr. George Papadimitriou, Prof. and Legal adviser to the Greek Prime Minister
(Greek Experiences in Legal Reforms)
-Dr. Vesna Rakic-Vodinelic, Director, Institute of Comparative Law, Belgrade
(Legal Harmonization for the CoE and EU Membership: Principles and Methods)
-Dr. Thomas Fleiner, Director, Inst. of Federalism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
(European Integration - a Challenge for a Multicultural Country)

(19.00-19.30) Discussion

Third session (Saturday morning, 24 November)
(9.00-13.45) Moderator: Dr. Jovan Teokarevic

(9.00-9.45) What can we learn from others?
-Dr. Philippe Schmitter, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
(Transition and Europeanization)
-H.E. Mr. Hannes Porias, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the FR Yugoslavia
(Experiences of a New EU Member - Austria)
-Dr. Dusko Lopandic, Director, Directorate for the EU, MFA, FRY
(FR Yugoslav Strategy towards the EU Membership)
(9.45-10.15) Enhanced relations short of full membership: Switzerland, Turkey
Mr. Urs Bucher, Minister, Deputy Head of the Swiss European Integration Office
(Europeanization without EU Membership: The Case of Switzerland)
Mr.Volkan Bozkir, Ambassador, Deputy General Secretary for EU Affairs, MFA, Turkey
(Turkish Experiences in Relations with the EU)

(10.15-10.45) Discussion
(10.45-11.15) Coffee break

(11.15-12.45) Candidate countries experiences: critical assessment
-Mr. Istvan Csejtei, Head of the EU Political Relations Department, MFA, Hungary
(Hungarian Experiences in EU Accession)
-Dr. Joze Mencinger, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
(Slovenian Model of Transition and EU Accession)
-Ms. Veronika Lombardini, Director, EU Political Relations, MFA, Slovakia
(Slovak Experiences in the EU Accession)
-Ms. Leda Koursoumba, Head of the EU section, Law Office of the Republic, Cyprus
(Cyprus: Constitutional Challenges on the Road to the European Union)
-Mr. Nikolai Mladenov, European Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
(Bulgaria and EU Membership)
-Dr. Damir Grubiša, Institute of International Relations, Zagreb, Croatia
(Croatia and EU Membership)
(12.45-13.45) Discussion

(13.45-16.00) Lunch

Fourth session (Saturday afternoon, 24 November)
(16.00 - 19.45) Moderator: Dr. Miroslav Prokopijevic

(16.00-16.15) Introductory word: Goran Svilanovic, Foreign Minister, FR Yugoslavia
(16.15-17.15) The relevance of the EU model for South East Europe
-Mr. Misha Glenny, writer, London, UK
(An Overview of Current Balkan Predicaments)
-Dr. Jens Reuter, Forum Ost-West Switzerland, Thessaloniki branch
(EU Model and South East Europe)
-Dr. Heather Grabbe, Center for European Reform, London, UK
(EU Enlargement and South East Europe)
-Dr. Jan Oberg, Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, Lund, Sweden
(Possibilities for a Stable Peace in the Balkans)

(17.15-17.45) Discussion
(17.45-18.15) Coffee break

(18.15-19.15) Political and economic cooperation in the Balkans: how feasible is it?
-Dr. Predrag Simic, Fac. of Pol. Sciences, foreign political advisor to the FRY President
(Towards New Forms of Political and Security Cooperation)
-Minna Jarvenpaa, Director, Belgrade office, European Stability Initiative
(Functional Integration in South East Europe)
-Dr. Milica Uvalic, University of Perugia, Italy
(Regional Economic Cooperation in the Balkans)
-Dr. Bozo Stojanovic, IES Fellow
(Regional Cooperation and Economic Progress)
(19.15-19.45) Discussion

19.45 Closing of the Conference